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Words are ghosts and ghosts are what shape this reality.

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posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Hello ????
Please whazzup someone else.

I have asked the itsnowagain how is s/he/it able to understand what i wrote. And he avoided to answer it.
Instead, itsnowagain is providing a speech, which the "gurus" use, to describe what is happening, when they reach the place of "no self".

And this does not answer my question. At least not from my point of view.

That is up.

But thanks for trying to explain me the question from that place. As if i could not get it by myself.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 02:35 PM

I think language helps humans communicate and produce culture. The culture that you are in uses language to "program" you and your responses to certain situations, as well as habits, skills, knowledge, and more.

a small but important correction... language socializes us. culture is at the physiological level. the body itself responds to culture.

RE: the op's use of biblical language.... there is a distinct but important difference between "god created man in his own image", and "the word is with god".

otherwise, a very smart response.

edit on 2019-08-21T15:30:05-05:0003America/Chicago08C-0500Aug-05:00 by tgidkp because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2019 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Hombre
Perhaps it will be of no use to you once again, but from my angle: they did answer your question, just maybe not the answer you wanted.

The reply suggested that you were questioning from a dualistic pov, and that any answer that remained within dualism: would fall short of what just is.

In other words: look beyond, deeper, further, yet it's still all just here within 'this that is' :
No separation between you and god;
No you, reading the bible;
No separation between you and apple;
No separation between storyteller, and listener;
No separation between you and 'word'.

You wrote it yourself earlier in this thread: ..."...Separation does not exists in the eternity..."... .
Is this not "eternity" ?

Did you not notice the subtle indication of duality, in my opening reply to you ?

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 05:30 AM
I must admit that i do not know everything, as of yet and this is subject to change :p

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: Hombre
Perhaps it will be of no use to you once again, but from my angle: they did answer your question, just maybe not the answer you wanted.

The reply suggested that you were questioning from a dualistic pov, and that any answer that remained within dualism: would fall short of what just is.

In other words: look beyond, deeper, further, yet it's still all just here within 'this that is' :
No separation between you and god;
No you, reading the bible;
No separation between you and apple;
No separation between storyteller, and listener;
No separation between you and 'word'.

You wrote it yourself earlier in this thread: ..."...Separation does not exists in the eternity..."... .
Is this not "eternity" ?

Did you not notice the subtle indication of duality, in my opening reply to you ?

If we were in the eternity and not separate, then following would happen:

"As soon as i think of the Apple, it would appear in my hand (physically) and i could taste it/enjoy."

Am i able to do this ? not yet.

Instead, there is a slight delay in between 1 day, up to two weeks, depending on the strength of the desire for this apple, or Pizza or whatever.

So when you ask me, "is this eternity", i would say no. Not really. Time is not eternity and bodies are in Time.
Time is touching the Eternal only in the NOW.
So when you use the Body to do something, you are automatically switching into duality.

And from the dualistic point of view, i have experienced a (i would call it so
"Switching of Reality".

There is a Reality that is running in Parallel to this. And the moment of the switching is not something noticeable.
Nothing has really changed but there was some kind of knowledge that it has happened.

Someone suggested following:

You imagine yourself to be a separate thing...... when really there are no separate things

Now, from my point of view, i do not recall doing this.

If i did, then i must have done it and forgotten, right ?

So the problem is obvious, and the question is : "How do i stop doing it."

Few of my previous posting indicate to this question: "Please tell me how to stay in that place and not in the duality".

And you see that if you tell me "Oh there is no separation, all is only happening, it is only a movie" that this is not really answering the question at all.

And ofcourse this is not the end:

You see, every Guru will tell their pupils to go now and leave this place. This they do to demonstrate that something wants to stay here.
I do not know if they know the exact reason, but from my understanding no one leaves, because the part of the mind, which has separated from the Eternal mind, has split itself into many parts.

And each part has to decide to leave. One can not go without the other.

And if you understand what i'm saying, you will understand following to:

We, who are advancing into nonduality (towards God or Towards our source or call it nonseparation ) have to teach others how to leave it, for we can't leave without them.

And if we speak different languages, we won't be able to communicate properly and missunderstanding is the outcome of it.

edit on 28/8/2019 by Hombre because: Spelling errors/eaten chars

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Hombre

So when you ask me, "is this eternity", i would say no. Not really. Time is not eternity and bodies are in Time.

Bodies are not in time.

Time is touching the Eternal only in the NOW.

When is it not now in actual experience?
Bodies, thoughts, concepts (like time) can only appear now. The word tomorrow can only appear now.

So when you use the Body to do something, you are automatically switching into duality.

The assumption is that 'you' use the body........ there is no one in the body..... bodies appear to move.

So the problem is obvious, and the question is : "How do i stop doing it."

You cannot start or stop doing anything...... there is no you..... all is just happening.

We, who are advancing into nonduality (towards God or Towards our source or call it nonseparation ) have to teach others how to leave it, for we can't leave without them.

There is no advancing into nonduality..... reality, life is non dual...... it is one without a second.
No one can get to non duality..... it is already the case.

There is only what is and there isn't anything that stands apart from it.
edit on 28-8-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 03:00 AM
According to what you wrote, the question now is:

"How do you write this text ? "

edit on 2/9/2019 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: Hombre
I didn't!!!
Writing happens!!!!!

edit on 2-9-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: Hombre
According to what you wrote, the question now is:

"How do you write this text ? "

How did this post ^ get written?

edit on 2-9-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: Hombre
Please explain how bodies are in time?
Seeing happens presently.... so how has any body been seen in time?

edit on 2-9-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: KonquestAbySS
Super interesting thought. Def mind provoking.

Some people, though claiming to be guided by the light of the Bible, in reality prefer to stumble along in the darkness. God’s Word is really a prophetic light. Said the apostle Peter: “We have the prophetic word made more firm, and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts.”—2 Pet. 1:19, AS. We do well to pay attention to this prophetic light shining in this dark world rather than the philosophies of men.

Those who walk in the light from God are also able to know what stand Christians should take regarding all kinds of theories, philosophies, traditions and doctrines. Much falsehood masquerades as truth today. “The learned fool,” once said Benjamin Franklin, “writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearned; but still ’tis nonsense.” God’s Word is a light because it helps us recognize nonsense for what it is, despite its being clothed in the wraps of respectability and popularity. Warns the Bible: “Look out: perhaps there may be some man that will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ.” The illuminating principles contained in the Bible enable even inexperienced ones to detect false wisdom. The psalmist said of Jehovah’s words: “The very disclosure of your words gives light, making the inexperienced ones understand.”—Col. 2:8; Ps. 119:130.

Of course, this comment is to be understood in light of the OP starting with a phrase from the Bible, God's Word (John 1:1a to be exact). My signature and the text under my accountname may also be of assistance.

Speaking of John 1:1, here is the whole verse discussed in regards to the doctrine of the Trinity, one of those falsehoods masquerading as truth (a philosophy with its roots in Pagan philosophy):

Is Jesus God?
edit on 2-9-2019 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2019 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Hombre
I must admit that i do not know everything, as of yet and this is subject to change :p

If we were in the eternity and not separate, then following would happen:

"As soon as i think of the Apple, it would appear in my hand (physically) and i could taste it/enjoy."

Am i able to do this ? not yet.

Instead, there is a slight delay in between 1 day, up to two weeks, depending on the strength of the desire for this apple, or Pizza or whatever.

So when you ask me, "is this eternity", i would say no. Not really. Time is not eternity and bodies are in Time.
Time is touching the Eternal only in the NOW.
So when you use the Body to do something, you are automatically switching into duality.

Hi Hombre. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. So many ideas, so little time... LoL.
May have misunderstood what you meant by 'eternity' then.
So what is this 'eternity', that we are not in, wherein there is no separation ?

Where does the assumption of: ..."As soon as i think of the Apple, it would appear in my hand (physically) and i could taste it/enjoy."... , come from ?

Does it have something to do with a belief in the supposed 'Law of Manifestation' ?
If so: are beliefs within 'this that is' ?
Is the supposed 'Law of Manifestation', integral to 'this that is', or is there the duality of a 'you', making an impression on something exterior to 'you', like some supposed 'thinking stuff', or whatever ?

What is this belief that ..."bodies are in Time"... ?
Where does that come from ?

..."Time is touching the Eternal only in the NOW."... Where does all of that come from ?
..."So when you use the Body to do something, you are automatically switching into duality. "...
By that statement: there is a 'you', that somehow 'moves' to 'use' a body: is that not already in duality even before the movement ?
The idea being that perhaps you are accepting, and viewing existence as duality, even before there is movement.
What if there is just the idea, and the movement, but no separation between the two ?

And from the dualistic point of view, i have experienced a (i would call it so
"Switching of Reality".

There is a Reality that is running in Parallel to this. And the moment of the switching is not something noticeable.
Nothing has really changed but there was some kind of knowledge that it has happened.

Can perhaps feel the same way as you, as though there are parallel potentialities occurring at all times.
And how sometimes things seem to 'switch': but we really don't know exactly what that is, do we ?
Perhaps it's just a part of this crazy, unexplainable, 'this that is' ?
Anywho: it just feels, to me, that when we assign explanations to these phenomena, that we are merely guessing.
We don't really know, do we ?

Someone suggested following:
"You imagine yourself to be a separate thing....
And of course this is not the end:

You see, every Guru will tell their pupils to go now and leave this place. This they do to demonstrate that something wants to stay here.
I do not know if they know the exact reason, but from my understanding no one leaves, because the part of the mind, which has separated from the Eternal mind, has split itself into many parts.

And each part has to decide to leave. One can not go without the other.

And if you understand what i'm saying, you will understand following to:

We, who are advancing into nonduality (towards God or Towards our source or call it nonseparation ) have to teach others how to leave it, for we can't leave without them.

And if we speak different languages, we won't be able to communicate properly and missunderstanding is the outcome of it.

And so what happens to the student ?
Does the ego want to leave without the body, thinking that it is a separate thing ?
Does the student stay, and learn how to 'let-go', or appease the ego ?

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: Nothin
Where does the assumption of: ..."As soon as i think of the Apple, it would appear in my hand (physically) and i could taste it/enjoy."... , come from ?

You see, i'm interested in God, but it was not always like this in the past (from the physical birth - till now).
So even at one point in the nearer past, he has talked to me, but what he said made no sense at that time.
And since 2011 there were some changes happening.

To make the story short:

I started thinking more about God. Especially how God would think, as a Creator. Obviously, the Power of Creations is not the same as Destruction.
(edit: one of it IS power, the other nothing at all)

So to understand God of Creation, i had to think in that way, ignoring the destruction possibility at all.

I had to use the Bible, for otherwise there is no real anchoring point to God, and the Bible is said to be a Holy Book. And where should one start to think along, but in the Genesis part ?

The quoted description is what i have understood with it, with my own words and understanding.

Ill continue later with this post, when there is enough "time" to do it.

edit on 9/9/2019 by Hombre because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Hombre
The law of conservation of mass energy states that matter is neither created or destroyed..... the total energy in a closed system just changes form.

edit on 12-9-2019 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2019 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The eternal universe theory.

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