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Agreed, a good way to get into strengthening empathic conditioning is by loving daily.
The following are the methods of Heart Chakra Radiance(HCR). They were developed from my teacher Avadar early on in his life. Here is an excerpt from
the website:
“Mode 1: While breathing normally, visualize a sphere of white energy in your chest, or more specifically, in your Heart Chakra – the most
important chakra for spiritual growth. Then, without holding your breath, visualize radiating white light out of this sphere in every direction at
once. It is suggested that one first use this technique in light
(alpha) meditation in order to become accustomed to it.
Mode 2: While visualizing Mode 1, program yourself simply through desire to radiate those aspects of spiritual white light – called Programmed
White Light – that would help you grow in the fastest possible way. Once you start doing this, the improvement is immediate and requires no new
concentrated effort; you improve as you use it.
Mode 3: This is a natural evolution from the previous modes. Through the application of mode 2 it is eventually realized when the will alone is
sufficient to radiate: visualizing is no longer necessary because a certain degree of proficiency has been developed.
Mode 4: Because of the difficulty in visualizing this, this mode is not recommended until Mode 3 is performed fairly easily. With the Heart Chakra
being the primary focus, radiate as you would from Mode 2 with all of the seven major chakras – all at the same time.”
I have also developed my own modes in which I adapted off of Heart Chakra Radiance:
Mode 1 – I want you to try and visualize a white orb in your chest area. Envision this orb enveloping the area where your heart is and envision
white light pulsing out of it. Just as you can use white light manifestations to defend yourself you can also use it to invoke a loving response. I
advise using Heart Radiance in a meditative state during first attempts. If you are having difficulty with the above visualization, you can try
envisioning white light radiating like a stream advancing from your heart outwards in a forward fashion rather. I initially used this alternate method
with success.
Mode 2 – There is an emotional centre at the core of the emotional body which I believe usually overlaps the physical body. This emotional centre is
often located near the heart chakra and is not only where you can feel emotions but also where you can create them. After a while of picturing
pulsating white light, I want you to try and emanate love from your Emotional Centre. The visualizations are there to lead towards a loving response,
but the envisioning alone is not what creates the emotion. A willful projection of that emotion may be needed in order to actually be creating that
emotion. If you are having difficulty creating the emotion of love try to think back on the positive emotions that you have experienced in your life
to try, pinpoint if you have felt love before and emulate how those emotions have felt by willfully creating them within your emotion centre.
Mode 3 – The emotions that you feel in your emotional centre is sometimes not your own. It is my understanding that spirits sometimes implant their
own emotions within our own emotional core to elicit an emotional response and by the way you feel emotions it can feel like your own. Emotions that
you feel without you willfully producing them may not be yours which is not to say that there aren’t times when we present emotional responses in
which can feel involuntary. Learning to control your emotions may be a part of this but I also feel the influencing of your emotion centre without
fully recognizing this is happening at times in which those are naturally empathic are able to discern. Keep this in mind as you continue to learn how
to create love out of your emotional centre. Practice until you are able to generate a loving feeling from your emotional core. You are looking for a
warm fuzzy kind of feeling in your heart area. The emotion of love is what you are trying to achieve from this technique. If you have somebody you
truly love in your life, not just the word or the idea, then use that to your advantage. Radiate towards that person in conjunction with the HCR
methods. Emulate the Love you feel towards that person and harness that into daily emotional output. Through continued use, you will get to a point
where you can radiate love at will without having to visualize or be in a meditative state. I am advocating for safety in regards to loving when you
are driving or doing something in which needs concentration.
Mode 4 – Once the ability to feel the love develops and you start to understand how to invoke love more clearly, you can start to radiate different
types of love. Compassion the emotion of loving care, Loving Happiness is sort of a joyous warmth, Humility being a type of selfless love, Inspiration
being a motivational sort of Love, Sensual can be a pleasurable kind of love. All different kinds of emotions described can be utilized in many
different kinds of ways that can lend towards emotional experimentation. The ability to feel the mechanisms in regards to emotional creation varies
within each person and for some of us develop as you learn to create emotions. Through attempting these methods I feel there is a natural
understanding from the spirit that you potentially want to pursue emotional creation. Stick with it for a couple weeks and I feel you will be able to
create the emotion of Love daily by the end of that period.
Mode 5 – So we have been focusing more on the emotional core within the past four modes but I now want you to try and focus on your emotional body.
So think of an egg as a metaphor in regards to the emotional body/core. The core is the yoke in which is usually located near your heart area and is
where you predominantly feel the emotion and can create emotion. The body is like the egg white, usually overlapping your entire physical body, in
which can be difficult to feel at first. You don’t usually feel an emotion in your head or hands even though there is an emotional body overlapping
the physical. Comparing the difference in what you feel emotionally between the core and body can vary. Keep in mind that I did not always know the
emotional body existed before because I could not feel it clearly at first. I started to be able to feel the difference between the emotional body and
core once I was able to differentiate between the core and body through emotional discernment and awareness. Loving from your emotional body can feel
muted compared to loving from your core at times. This emotional body is difficult to feel at first but the same methods you used to achieve love
within your emotional centre can be applied to your emotional body. Using the first four modes in the context of radiating love from the entire
emotional body. Being able to love out of your hand or head area rather than just your chest/heart area. Keep practicing and I feel that you will be
able to feel it and differentiate soon enough. This mode is to be attempted once you have a better understanding of what Heart Radiance is about. If
you are still new to HR and are currently still working on the first four modes, don’t be dissuaded if you are still having difficulty