posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 03:02 PM
Hello everybody,
I am PatchQuartermain, 26 years old and live in Europe.
I'm very interested in different conspiracy theories.
That's why I joined this community.
Theories like QAnon, and other geo-political conspiracies.
I think some governments are just monkey's in a parliament.
They have the power because they own the most money.
I do also like the UFO sightings, although I've never seen other alien lifeforms...
Like is there alien life on other planets?
Is there anyway alien life?
I hope I can enhance my information gathering about these subjects.
So I also hope that the information given here is unchanged by the government, and published in the purest form.
I will also give a shout in the adoption topic in this category, 'cause I am a newbie on this territory.
Greetings, Patch