posted on Jul, 8 2019 @ 09:13 PM
I tried to find a topic in regard to this, I am slightly inebriated, so I apologize if I missed it.
For me, the live page has been non functional for days.
It perpetually says the latest post was "Silent rotor technology" made 52 minutes ago.
This may be a problem, specific to me or a bad cache/cookie. It may also be a global or sitewide issue.
Is this the case for others?
Will this be fixed, if so?
I use the live Page, as my daily newspaper, seriously, the dispersion of information via ATS is one of the fastest media sites I visit. Earthquakes
are usually posted about, within 10 minutes, tsunamis, etc... I find the ATS live Page to be a great tool for this type of information. Active shooter
posts go up within 15-30 minutes of live events.
I am beyond willing, to donate monetary resources to repairing the live Page, should that be necessary.
ATS has never let me down for these types of updates, and I would find it a worthy investment, more so than a newspaper subscription.
edit on
8-7-2019 by Archivalist because: Inebriation spelling errors
edit on 8-7-2019 by Archivalist because: More inebriation edits