I was looking at a channel from some local guys who basically just go filming events in Florida and other states, and found some cool shows. First one
is the 10th Anniversary at the Redneck Mud Park in Punta Gorda, Florida. They had some truly amazing machines that just demonstrate amazing
engineering of tire traction and like, big engines and lift kits ... no really I just enjoy the sounds of a roaring engine and all that mud flying
around!! Lots of fun stuff too though, a couple of wipeouts, chicks vs. dudes tug-o-war (winners are obvious), very pretty country girls in scantily
clad clothing. It was a pretty good watch actually and was quite impressed with some of the trucks, including one or two I swore were going to get
stuck but triumphed!
The second event was a couple months later at the Miami Low-rider Show. A very good demonstration of extreme hydraulics modification to various cars
and trucks. I actually had no idea some of these had become as sophisticated as they had. The cars look like they are standing on hind legs waving
their arms! Some of the vehicles though, I don't even understand how they would be practical to drive. Its like they just worked on the auto to turn
it into a decoration rather than being used as a personal conveyance.
So, what are your opinions on a couple of shows highlighting auto culture in Florida ?? Which one would you be more likely to visit? I feel like I
would have more fun at the Mud Park myself, but if we are just looking to see some pretty cars that can dance, I suppose the Low Rider show is worth a
I grew up in Florida, and attended many "mud bog" events. Coolers full of beer were as numerous as muddy trucks, and it was always a fun day.
Everyone got along and the competition was always friendly. And yes--there were always beautiful young ladies in abundance--and they were not afraid
to get dirty!