posted on Jul, 6 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to:
Of course there is something to it! Even if everybody that says they had an encounter lied and all photo's were 'shopped and all video's were faked.
Even in that case the fascinating question is why people would tell similar lies and on such a scale. Is it some weird kind of collective delusion,
or are we observing something we can't really understand so our poor brains make up a cover story?
If it's a nuts-and-bolts thing, than the origin is probably Earth or some near by planet or moon. There may be entire colonies of creatures living
here, for example in caves or under the oceans. If it's not a nuts-and-bolts thing, than it probably is some kind of paranormal manifestation or/and
interdimensional beings, similar to the ones that are said to have participated in the Scole experiment.
For sure, our governments don't understand it either. If, and I explicitly say IFF, they have some craft in their posession, they won't be able to do
much with these either. It's comparable to a modern electric car being investigated by monks in the middle ages. At best they understand that it
works to put a soft tube around the rims of their wooden wheels, but would not have a clue how to make them.
Anyway, good to see that there are still folks here that don't feel the urge to make everything revolve around American politics.