posted on Jul, 4 2019 @ 05:55 AM
I've been looking at the "tic tac" images in the news.
I don't know if it's an artist's concept or actual photos but they look like rounded rectangular erasers to me.
If so, I've seen one.
It was flashing a running blue Chevron on its whole underside as it leisurely flew overhead.
It was night time so I thought it was black.
Also, like I said in my other post somewhere, I really hope delonge's bad news from e.t. isn't eta carinae supernova sterilizing the solar system;
and that it could happen anytime now.
Because the good news may be they will save or are already saving a few of the most genetically superior and strongest.
Because that's not actually good news.
I'd rather they not make it public if that's the case; I really do. Just keep it top secret and STFU.
Ignorance would be bliss compared to that cluster#.
edit on 4-7-2019 by reject because: Cluster#