posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 04:39 AM
originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: BrianFlanders
Just stop with the fortune cookie philosophy.
You sound like a vegan saying killing an animal is murder.
We are no different than our "free" caveman ancestors hunting for our food except that we have it a hell of a lot easier.
As usual on here, I don't think you read that the way I wrote it. I actually didn't say there was a solution. I just stated the facts. And now for
the most depressing fact, I will state the fact that life as a human being IS slavery (by definition) and there is no solution anywhere in sight in
the near future.
But why is that? Well, the answer to that is one of my favorites. Because humans are freaks of nature. Everything about us is in conflict with
nature. And no. I'm not some kind of vegan or even much of an environmentalist. I'm with Carlin in that I think nature will take care of itself. If we
cause the extinction of the vast majority of life on earth, the planet isn't gonna care. Even the species that are going extinct aren't gonna care
because they're not human. Humans care too much about everything and that will be our downfall. We have to "make things right" as we see it. Whatever
our personal definition of "right" is. Even though there really is no such thing and we just friggin made it up because it's emotionally appealing to
But yeah. The slavery issue is emotionally charged. But there is the fact that most people believe that slavery no longer exists or that it's
possible to get rid of it and continue on with this freakshow we call civilization. The fact of the matter is that we are basically livestock. This is
why you have a personal identification number and why you need permission to exist. Oh, you can leave civilization and sort of live free but the point
is that humans are not well suited for that. And as far as the government is concerned, you still belong to them. If you're doing anything they don't
like, they'll come after you and make you stop. Every single law that exists is telling you that you are property. You can only do what they want you
to do and you'd better not do anything they don't want you to do or they'll make you sorry. As far as they're concerned, you don't even own your own
body. Take the whole weed thing, for example. For decades it was against the law to smoke a dried out plant. But now, they've kinda relented and said
"Well, OK. You can do this now if you stay within these boundaries". So even in "giving" you the right you should have already had, they're telling
you that they still own you because you can only do it because they say you can.
So yeah. That's the cruel twist of it. I didn't say there was anything you could do about your status as a two-legged cow.
edit on 3-7-2019 by
BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)