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Its my way or the Huawei!

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posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 01:25 AM
link - June 25 2019

Chinese hackers have breached and occupied the networks of 10 major telecommunications companies operating around the world, using their sustained access to target “very specific individuals”, according to Boston-based Cybereason.

The attackers were in networks for at least two years. They had extracted over 100GB of data from the primary telco assessed, and were using their access to so-called Call Detail Records (CDRs) to track the movements and interactions of high-profile individuals.

Cybereason also pointed out that "even though the attacks targeted specific individuals, any entity that possesses the power to take over the networks of telecommunications providers can potentially leverage its unlawful access and control of the network to shut down or disrupt an entire cellular network

Things that make you go hmm.. Australia's been suffering constant nation wide outages of its cellular and data networks this past 2 years. Often there is no explanation...

May 2019 Telstra Customers hit by nationawide outage
Nov 2018 Telstra doesnt know what caused today's national outage
May 2018 Telstra Apologises after nationwide outage

So, even if countries dont adopt Huawei technology.. it seems the cyber-genie is already out of the cyber-bottle.

edit on 25/6/19 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop - June 25 2019

Chinese hackers have breached and occupied the networks of 10 major telecommunications companies operating around the world, using their sustained access to target “very specific individuals”, according to Boston-based Cybereason.

The attackers were in networks for at least two years. They had extracted over 100GB of data from the primary telco assessed, and were using their access to so-called Call Detail Records (CDRs) to track the movements and interactions of high-profile individuals.

Cybereason also pointed out that "even though the attacks targeted specific individuals, any entity that possesses the power to take over the networks of telecommunications providers can potentially leverage its unlawful access and control of the network to shut down or disrupt an entire cellular network

Things that make you go hmm.. Australia's been suffering constant nation wide outages of its cellular and data networks this past 2 years. Often there is no explanation...

May 2019 Telstra Customers hit by nationawide outage
Nov 2018 Telstra doesnt know what caused today's national outage
May 2018 Telstra Apologises after nationwide outage

So, even if countries adopt Huawei technology.. it seems the cyber-genie is already out of the cyber-bottle.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 03:14 AM
The whole telecommunications infrastructure and internet are a big communication tools. All made so we can all talk and interact with each other. We do need standards so the equipment is interoperability.

Is this trade war between US and China set to devolve into the creation of another communication standard? A representation of the raising conflict and tension that the world has in communicating?

Telstra has been having problems since its inception. They have kept at it, if they did exactly know what went wrong for a full system outage I am sure they would have a team on it straight away. Chinese hackers, why not? It is those hackers from Zeta Reticuli I am more worried about.

edit on 25-6-2019 by kwakakev because: grammer

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 05:02 AM
I just watch where the money gets funneled.

I don't even read news anymore.

A big company was growing bigger than the rest while doing it faster.

Samsung and apple back on its way the dominate the market. Mostly apple saved.

Lol there is far too much bull# attached to humanity to believe any of you.

I'm going to check Huawei out when their new operating system drops just because I can and I decide for myself not the latest fear propaganda.

Huawei is also free to spy on me lol. I don't live in fear like the majority.

posted on Jun, 25 2019 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: Analbumcover
Huawei is also free to spy on me lol. I don't live in fear like the majority.

Glad you gave them consent. I did not.

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