posted on Jun, 23 2019 @ 02:34 PM
The very word "homophobia," which is pretty well accepted as how you describe prejudice against gays, is a well-crafted lie all by itself. "Phobia" is
"fear" so a "homophobe" is "fearful" of the homosexual. What nonsense! How about if you simply do not like it? How about if you oppose it on
religious grounds? How about if you think acceptance of LGBTQ+ and all variations is being crammed down our throats by an ad agency? How about if you
"believe" gender is based on DNA instead of someone's "feelings."
We've gone from ostracizing gay people to ostracizing anyone who is not, plus adding these variations that allow some guy to cut off his maleness (or
not as most "T"'s do not), call himself a woman, and compete in women's sports and beat the crap out of the field--because of his DNA, not his
"feelings." Now any pre-pubescent who says, "I wanna be a girl" is shunted toward hormone therapy to prevent his natural maturation in preparation for
a life-changing decision before he is legally an adult. Now THAT is child abuse.
There are people who think this behavior is nuts, who think this behavior represents a breakdown of society, and they are not all fundamentalist
Christians or Muslims. But arguing with someone who wholeheartedly buys into the LGBTQ+ agenda is like arguing with a Flat Earther. They'll even
bring "science" into the equation and point out intersex births. "Intersex" births are a child born with both sex organs and occur about 1 in 2,000
births. That is decidedly nor normal and certainly does not justify the harm done to children. It's like a two-headed snake. Do they exist in nature?
Sure. Are they normal? Not at all.
Quite frankly I am sick and tired of being labeled a "homophobe" or a "hater" because I simply disagree with the overall path I see the LGBTQ+
movement taking, particularly with its abuse of children. If you want to be gay I have no problem with your individual choice, but don't ask me to
"celebrate" by co-opting the rainbow and gay pride parades. You're really not that special. And to give these guys a month of gay pride and our
veterans a single day is a travesty. People pushing this nonsense ought to be ashamed.
Now let's just see how tolerant this group is of other points of view.