posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 08:09 AM
If this guy overthrows Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. And then of course does his sacrifice on the temple mount, Is it the beginning of Tribulation Period?
A tradition is recorded in the Talmud (Tractate Megillah 17b, Rashi) that the Sanhedrin will be restored after a partial ingathering of the Jewish
exiles, but before Jerusalem is completely rebuilt and restored. Another Talmudic tradition (Eruvin 43b; Maharatz Chajas ad loc; Rashash to Sanhedrin
13b) states that Elijah the Prophet will present himself before a duly-ordained Sanhedrin when he announces the coming of the Messiah. This indicates
that despite common misconceptions, a Sanhedrin is a pre-, not post-messianic institution. Members of the Sanhedrin enter the Temple Mount through
the Mughrabi gate, above the Western Wall.
Prophecy in Motion-[Ezekiel]
The Prophet Ezekiel in Ezek 8:11, describes in detail the present act to incorporate the Sanhedrin and why the rabbis wish to remain ANONIMOUS. Read
Ezekiel Chapter 8 in it's entirety, and tremble. "Je me souviens". Ezekiel was a Jew, sent to the River Chebar [Akkad] to prophecy to Israel, who
had been taken into captivity over 150 years before by PUL. My Reubenite ancestors received His message. Let the Elect understand, before you jump
with Joy and blindly follow the blind.
Beginning of the end times
This is interesting stuff indeed!! It is my feeling that the Jewish community will reestablish the old practices and completely rebuild this Holy
city. Unfortunately all this will be done so that the more powerful reenergized members of the 12 tribes of Israel can come in and take over this Holy
City. This will signal the beginning of the end of this phase of human history under the rulership of men. Take heed United States and Britain we
still have time to intervene in this process. Of course Ephram and Menassa are the good people and will not do what is necessary to stop this