If you have an occulus headset I highly recommend this sim. Its basically a near photo realistic simulation of the entire
UNIVERSE. You can fly to planets and countless galaxies. Its so vast its disturbing. It supports both oculus rift and HTC Vive. I tried it the other
night and it was STUNNING.
edit on 18-6-2019 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)
A word of warning though. There are no aliens to kill, no space pirates or trading to do in this sim Space engine is all about exploring and eye
candy. Which it delivers with a vengeance.
edit on 18-6-2019 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)
A game I play Elite Dangerous runs on it.
400 billion systems in our galaxy and you can go to each one in E.D...
It will take 1000 years or something crazy like that, but you can at least try lol