posted on Jun, 18 2019 @ 06:24 PM
originally posted by: Duderino
The amygdala will be enlarged for those with conservative views. The amygdala is responsible for fear and primal emotions. Because of that, the
conservative mind will be more susceptible to fear and react differently when exposed to dangerous situations
That was one study from 2011, dude. And never replicated. Mostly because the subjects were asked to "self-identify" as lib or conserv. Plus, they
didn't control for gender. They sampled a disproportionate number of college student males, who answered almost entirely as conservative. And males
have larger amygdalae (larger every brain part) than the female population. But the study didn't control for that.
Nor did they show that fear-behavior increases with amygdala size. Just that people with enlarged amygdalae filled out surveys that scored them as
more fearful. Didn't control for any other factors, like diet, sleep habits, or fear of impending final exams, any of which could skew responses.
But for you it's settled Science, because it happens to stimulate YOUR fear-gland.
But let's have some more phrenology:
An MRI would also show a smaller anterior cingulate, the center responsible for courage and optimism.
It will also show a more active medial prefrontal cortex. This center controls how religious a person is. However, if there is a God he is laughing
his ass off, because this center has another function and it totally contradicts religion. It controls a dislike for unknown people. So, the more
religious you are, the less you like people and are less tolerant in general. God's sense of humor, I guess.
Pretty much all of Michael Persinger's research could not be replicated, and in fact has been repudiated by some of his research assistants since his
death. They "self-reported" religious hallucinations when their prefrontal cortex was stimulated, because Persinger needed to localize the "God
Experience" with his "death helmet", in order to bolster his claims about near death experience.
Yeah. Phrenology for the 21st century.