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David Icke explains the Trans agenda

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posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
If someone wants to be there selves then let them and butt out man.

If these people just wanted to be themselves, I'd have no problem with it.

The problem I have is they want to force me at gunpoint to not only agree that their delusion is reality, but they want to force me at gunpoint to allow them to brainwash my children with the same atrocious garbage.

Radical LGBQTxyz (especially the Ts) are the problem.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If you think your gender is defined just by your chromosomes then you are truly ignorant.

Sex is determined by your chromosones.

Gender was never intended to apply to people, it was how you associated certain inanimate objects to certain sexes.

Gender as applied to people is a made up word.

There are only two sexes. Anyone who has abnormal/defective chromosomes ... has abnormal/defective chromosomes, and should be treated ethically, compassionately, but most importantly - accordingly.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Jubei42

All I see is an old man struggling with a changing society,

If that's all you see, you don't know anything about David Icke.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Gender was never intended to apply to people, it was how you associated certain inanimate objects to certain sexes.

Gender as applied to people is a made up word.

You are exactly right about that!

Just for kicks and giggles, I looked the word "gender" up in some old reference books... one of the advantages to being an old bookworm I guess.

From the Grolier Encyclopedia © 1963, Volumes 9 & 10 FOO-HOM:

Gender (Latin genus, kind) Classes into which nouns are divided according to sex or absence of sex. They are sometimes three in number -- masculine, feminine, and neuter; sometimes two -- masculine and feminine; and in inflexional languages are shown by different terminations. But this grammatical distinction is often arbitrary; thus, in Latin mensa (table) is feminine, in German Mond (moon) masculine, Sonne (sun) feminine. In English, gramatical gender does not exist, natural gender, in which sex and gender agree, being shown by special endings (executor, executrix), or by different words (horse, mare; fox, vixen).

From The New Lexicon Websters Dictionary of the English Language © 1989:

Gender gen-der n. (gram.) the classification of words, or the class to which a word belongs by virtue of such classification, according to the sex of the referent (natural gender) or according to arbitrary distinctions of form and syntax (grammatical gender). Modern English has few traces of grammatical gender, but Latin nouns all have gender, masculine, feminine or neuter, often contradicting natural gender. Adjectives and articles have gender insofar as they change form to agree with the noun they qualify. (pop.) sex (male or female) [M.E. gendre fr. O.F.]

I do recall that at some point it was considered respectful and courteous to use "gender" rather than "sex" to refer to men and women/boys and girls, because "sex" also referred to the act, as opposed to one's anatomy. So "gender" was the word to use in polite company. But it was not meant to indicate some magical brain essence separate from one's anatomy.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 10:20 AM
I think the hermetic view of the world would have something to say about gender not being a set thing in the universe!

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I do believe you're right about that!

If I'm not mistaken, Hermeticism does not apply "gender" to people either, but rather focuses on masculine and feminine principles inherent in everything (and therefore everyone), and looks to balance the masculine and feminine principles.

In a similar way, astrology does not apply "gender" to people, but rather focuses on masculine and feminine archetypes, and again, looking for balance between the two.

Interestingly enough, Hermes is associated with Mercury/Gemini (the Twins) in astrology, embodying both masculine and feminine qualities in equal measure, though not always expressed in equal measure. Mercury also rules the mind and mental capabilities in astrology.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Now you are hitting on the crux of the matter and the only perspective the brings logic into this should be obvious to anybody who's familiar with biblical text that the spiritual nature of humanity is pitted against the physical fleshly nature.

Recalling the verse that says there is no condemnation to those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. By establishing division between male and female within the physical realm we have established a proving ground for the spirit within us to overcome those obstacles that seem to be established in the very foundations of our existence.

I also recall the verse that says that the deception would be so great that if it were possible it would deceive the very elect those deceptions that we are either male or female are established within the very physical foundation of our being.

If we believe that God is one as the scripture says "Hear o Israel the Lord thy God is one " then that one must contain male and female and by virtue of that if we are to ascend in our spiritual understanding of that perfection of God that is set before us... then we must view ourselves in the perfect balance of male and female....

I have found that by adopting the perspectives that come with the belief of reincarnation where in we can incarnate as male in some lives and female in others it lends Credence to what we are seeing taking place around us and if these issues which are understood by so few were not pushed by an agenda then they would never be given serious consideration by the masses and even so it would be very few that will perceive it to be anything of a good report.

posted on Jun, 10 2019 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: HarryJoy
a reply to: Boadicea

Now you are hitting on the crux of the matter and the only perspective the brings logic into this should be obvious to anybody who's familiar with biblical text that the spiritual nature of humanity is pitted against the physical fleshly nature.

This is such a thoughtful and refreshing reply -- thank you! This is the first anyone has wanted to discuss the spiritual principles and aspects involved -- at least with me.

Recalling the verse that says there is no condemnation to those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. By establishing division between male and female within the physical realm we have established a proving ground for the spirit within us to overcome those obstacles that seem to be established in the very foundations of our existence.

So very true. It was this division that the stories of both Lilith and Adam, and Eve and Adam, were meant to convey. Whereas they were created to complement and harmonize, and once did, at some point conflict and confrontation then divided them...

I also recall the verse that says that the deception would be so great that if it were possible it would deceive the very elect those deceptions that we are either male or female are established within the very physical foundation of our being.

If we believe that God is one as the scripture says "Hear o Israel the Lord thy God is one " then that one must contain male and female and by virtue of that if we are to ascend in our spiritual understanding of that perfection of God that is set before us... then we must view ourselves in the perfect balance of male and female....

If I remember correctly, when God was called "Elohim," the diety was neither male nor female and it was both male and female at once. I have read that the name "Israel" is an anagram of sorts for Isis+Ra+Elohim, signifying the evolution from Eqyptian worship of a goddess and a god, to the worship of one deity who embodied both in divine perfection...

I am also reminded of the verse, "As above, so below." Created in our Creator's image -- both man and woman. This is reflected in our very bodies. We each receive DNA and chromosomes from both of our "creators" -- our parents. We each need and produce both male and female hormones in various amounts and ratios and proportions, and each plays a vital role in our health and well-being, above and beyond our reproductive systems. To that extent, we are all quite literally both male and female physically.

I have found that by adopting the perspectives that come with the belief of reincarnation where in we can incarnate as male in some lives and female in others it lends Credence to what we are seeing taking place around us

Yes, I agree. I can see how reincarnation and karma could be playing a big role here, in various ways. In fact, if we accept reincarnation and karma as fact (if only for this discussion's sake), then it would seem to necessarily be involved.

...and if these issues which are understood by so few were not pushed by an agenda then they would never be given serious consideration by the masses and even so it would be very few that will perceive it to be anything of a good report.

Again, very true, but necessary to keep the sheeple in line. We have been so divided that we have forgotten and neglected our respect and compassion and empathy for each other. We have forgotten how to be kind and helpful. In spirit and in principle, we could apply and learn from other similar principles. For example, the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." Or the laws of physics: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Like karmic principles, these are basic principles that apply to all in all situations and at all times.

I've been thinking about this lately in terms of the lessons and values and principles my parents tried so hard to teach me, and I tried so hard to teach my own kids. I cannot think of one value or principle that I wanted/expected for my son that I did not also want/expect for my daughter. It wasn't "gendered," it was just common sense.

I think another important OT verse to consider here is that "God is no respector of persons." While we are so focused on this temporary physical vehicle for earthly life, we forget and neglect our spirit and spiritual growth, which will be ours for eternity. That was another lesson I tried very hard to teach my kids, not to judge a book by its cover and that the clothes don't make a man (or woman). They need to worry about themselves and what's in their own hearts and consciences.

Sorry for the long reply... and for rambling.

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If you think your gender is defined just by your chromosomes then you are truly ignorant.

Sex is determined by your chromosones...

Always thought that sex might be determined maybe by 'Y', because y means yes.
Since 'no means no': no possibly means no sex.
So: Yes means sex. Maybe... Perhaps...

...Gender as applied to people is a made up word...

Do you know of any words that are NOT made-up ones?

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Does he mention it being the front lines, the forerunner of the Transhumanist Movement?

edit on 11-6-2019 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Does he mention it being the front lines, the forerunner of the Transhumanist Movement?

Not in the clip in the OP as he said he didn't have time to go into all of it but he has talked about 'trans-humanism' and A.I in other videos!

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

the hermetic view said that once we were plant people and we reproduced through parthenogenesis

so maybe that is one of the reasons people come out mixed up about their sex/gender and how that works in their body !

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If you think your gender is defined just by your chromosomes then you are truly ignorant.

Sex is determined by your chromosones...

Always thought that sex might be determined maybe by 'Y', because y means yes.
Since 'no means no': no possibly means no sex.
So: Yes means sex. Maybe... Perhaps...

...Gender as applied to people is a made up word...

Do you know of any words that are NOT made-up ones?

Ok, that response deserves a chuckle and a

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: HarryJoy

Not that your points aren't interesting however this thread has nothing to do with spirituality or religion.

Religious texts are so open to interpretation that you can use them to justify literally anything. They fit both sides of all arguments.

edit on 11/6/19 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

most people don't give a # about it either unless it's shoved in their face. It's when people start thinking its 'okay' to have it shoved in their face because that's the agenda, that it starts to get annoying.

The question is why are they shoving it so hard even though its' a tiny percentage?

More 'division/aberration' to destabilise society?

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 04:24 PM

...feeling and perceiving yourself a certain way does not somehow make it fact.

Of course it doesn't, especially so when your physiognomy states the opposite. You could ask me what does it feel like to be a woman? If all men asked that question to themselves, none of us would have a clue how to answer; and of course, it would be the same for all women wondering what it feels like to be a man? We just can't possibly know, because we cannot enter into the sentient and conscious experience of each other. This begs the question, how can a person claim to 'know' that they are trapped in the body of the wrong sex?

I am not denying that some will utterly believe themselves to be in such a circumstance, but a male, either as a child or a young adult claiming to 'know' they are trapped in the wrong body is quite hard to accept. A child certainly cannot understand what it is claiming, nor can it have the experience of knowing what it is like to be a girl, because the claim needs a factual context and a knowledge of varying perspectives. A child is utterly incapable of encompassing this in any understandable way. So whatever context they are supplying is not from natural awareness, but a context from an environmental and/or social one. Even if what is in play is hormonal, still cannot validate the claim, because of the lack of sentient and conscious experience of feeling what it is like to be a woman in a woman's body. No one born a male can ever truly appreciate that experience, even less claim that they know it.

I couldn't actually tell you what it feels like to be a man, even though I have been one for almost 60 years. Certainly not without resorting to using traditional and social nomenclature that describes masculinity. The point is, from birth through to adulthood, we are informed of our gender, both by natural physiology and the stipulations in society that categorises us as being either male or female. Genderism is primarily a construct within the mind, and it becomes a dysphoria when the mind's gender is out of phase with the physical sex characteristics.

posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nothin

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If you think your gender is defined just by your chromosomes then you are truly ignorant.

Sex is determined by your chromosones...

Always thought that sex might be determined maybe by 'Y', because y means yes.
Since 'no means no': no possibly means no sex.
So: Yes means sex. Maybe... Perhaps...

...Gender as applied to people is a made up word...

Do you know of any words that are NOT made-up ones?

Ok, that response deserves a chuckle and a

Thanks. 'Tis indeed a pleasure to have you appreciate my sense of humour. Thank-you!

Appreciate your comments, so will offer-up this idea:
What if we remouved gender from other expressions as well?

Shall we experiment?

'Patriarch': usually taken to mean male leadership, of families, and/or enterprises.
'Matriarch': usually taken to mean female leadership, of families, and/or enterprises.

(This idea has been expressed a few years ago here on ATS, but don't remember where, or by whom.)

Let's remouve gender from those two words, and see what we might find.

Might we find that patriarchal energy, is more mind/ego/doing energy?
Might we find that matriarchal energy, is more soul/selfless/being energy?

If so: do these energies belong to any supposed assignment of gender?
You know: other than societal stereotypes, which are non-truth?

Anyways: just an idea, and not even an original one at that! LoL!


edit on 11-6-2019 by Nothin because: sp

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Nothin

yeh gender is the 7th principle of the Kybalion

you can read it here

The principle of gender

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

If a handful of transsexuals and extreme lefties destabilize society, then was our society worth anything to begin with?

posted on Jun, 12 2019 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: SilentSaturn

You missed my point widely.

It is not the object/subject people of transsexuals etc themselves that are destabilizing society, it is the split of society regarding the morals and treatment regarding said individuals, and the rift that that causes due to the distraction and difference of opinion thereof, which is destabilizing society.

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