posted on Jun, 3 2019 @ 02:59 PM
I'm pretty open that I have a kiddo with some challenges in life. He's a good kid and works hard and he's easily smart enough to figure out how to
do whatever he wants, but he's also smart enough to notice that certain things are way harder for him than they are for some of his peers who aren't
maybe as sharp as he is, and that gets him down. It undermines his sense of self-confidence really.
Yeah, he's not alone. Lots of people have similar issues, and I was cruising around looking for ways to help him get around his own challenges when I
ran across
reverse poem. Granted, it was written about dyslexia, and his challenge is handwriting, but it still applies, applies to a lot of people with
I thought I'd share because it's really good.
“I am stupid
Nobody would ever say
I have a talent for words
I was meant to be great
That is wrong
I am a failure
Nobody could ever convince me to think that
I can make it in life”
Now, the way a reverse poem works is that it's meant to be read two ways - top to bottom and then bottom to top, and the message changes depending on
which direction you read. The girl who wrote this did an absolute bang-on job describing how my kiddo feels, and then turning it one its head to tell
him how he needs to feel because it's true - Even if he can't get those words on paper, he has the most creative stories in his head if you listen
to him talk.