posted on May, 24 2019 @ 12:19 PM
This got me thinking about people (not you, I know it was sort of in jest) who are so far gone that they care or believe that a restaurant chain has a
political identity. They don't.
Are there places that go out of their way to be political in bad ways? Sure, but mainly these are independently owned joints, not national chains.
Do some higher ups within said chains tend to be politically vocal? Sure.
At the end of the day, the business itself has no identity politics, nor does it care what it's patrons believe or not believe. If one chooses to not
eat Chick-Fila (just an example) because one feels the founders are anit-gay, that does not mean anything to Chick-fila. They will happily serve
anyone who walks in or drives through, regardless.
This notion that the sometimes barely even broadcast political or social views of some CEO makes the entire company and all it's employees somehow
evil, is just more evidence of the damaged political mind.
"You know, I used to like Gary and Helen next door, but their son works at that evil Papa John's now. I just don't think I can associate with them
anymore." As if the kid took a job kicking puppies for fun.
Mentally damaged political brains!