posted on May, 21 2019 @ 10:27 PM
Hi team ATS,
I have been an avid reader of these forums, mostly the UFO threads, after many years of only reading the ufocasebook forums as my goto on the
I'm a Husband, a Dad of 3 and Aussie (South Australia) and been on this Earth for 50 fascinating years.
My Mum is the main reason I caught the UFO bug and we did as a family (Mum, Dad and Me) see something whilst driving late at night in the moorlands of
Ayrshire whilst driving back home from a holiday in the mid 70's. It was after that that Mum started buying books like Above Top Secret and I
eventually started reading them and then purchasing my own.
On my Mum, she passed on due to cancer in 2004, Dad sent her ashes up on a SpaceX Falcon 9 memorial flight.
My wife always asks me why I keep reading and listening to podcasts and youtube video's when you know there is something to this and you have me
believing it as that not enough she asks? - Hell no! This is the most exciting period in the subject that I can even recall, so much cool
stuff going on and I am lapping it up.
So where do I sit....I'm 99.999% sure that we are not the only life in the universe. Is Earth being visited by something, it sure does appear that
way and the evidence is substantial even before things like Nimitz and TicTac. So much has happened in the last couple of years that I now feel I'm
able to speak about the topic with just about anyone and not be ridiculed as I point them to a couple of links and suggest they find out for
I'm unlikely to be start lots of threads as I will only post something if I feel its unique, relevant and above all, interesting. That is something
hard to do in here as there are so many people contributing excellent content.
One last thing, I love photography and hope that I might get the chance to use the skills and great quality gear I have to capture something.