posted on May, 17 2019 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to:
I remember your handle.
As far as what's changed in the meantime, site ownership rarely posts any more, topics have become heavy on politics, old school bigfoot/ufo/crop
circle/strange occurrence threads have more or less dried up. Lots of members have left, new ones have joined, from between :27 after the hour up to
around :32 after the hour, the site undergoes a backup and other assorted database maintenance causing all activity to take a
lot longer to
execute; if you're posting during this time frame, don't hit submit more than once or you will end up with a double (or triple, quadruple, quintuple,
etc) post.
Can't think of much else of the top of my head for now.
Welcome back!
edit on 17-5-2019 by jadedANDcynical because: typos and fixed closing italics tag