posted on May, 16 2019 @ 10:11 AM
Percentage, blah, blah, blah. Forget percentages and give actual figures.
IE. Children.. 80% within 24 hours, 90% in 48 hours??? Well how does that work out then??
It really should be 80% within 24, a further 10% within 48 and 2 %??? 2% of what figure??
Same goes for adults. What's the figure, the total number the percentages are based on.
If you really want statistics for missing people read David Paulides books, actual facts not the governments figures that are sanitised for the
He even acknowledges the missing people in Manchester that end up, after few days, in the canals around Manchester. Not drowned, and baffle the
coroners for cause of death so they guess.
Go and look on richplanet at video 199, human mutilations (missing then turn up mutilated) in the UK and look to what extent the authorities go to
cover these things up.