posted on May, 17 2019 @ 08:53 AM
The hallmarks of the human mind is that it relies on a vast network of replicated elements, each one slightly different--cells. And as the brain
develops, networks are established that represent a particular impulse/thought. For every cell that functions in one of these neural paths, there are
various support cells, glial, pyramidal, etc...
One of the most common cells in the brain is called a... dendrite (tree) because it has branches on either end that look like branches or roots....
A tree forest is a vast group of similar elements that can interact with each other. Maybe that's what you need for consciousness.
Just like a Storm cell cloud formation generates huge electrical discharges that pulse hundreds of miles in an instant, almost like neural networks
human consciousness is recognized on the macro level of cells interacting. Maybe in other parts of nature, giant networks are interacting that we do
not perceive...