posted on May, 11 2019 @ 06:47 PM
Replace black with left and white with right, or if you want you can replace black with right and white with left, it really doesn't matter. If you
read any conversation about politics all you will see is a bunch of labeling, generalization and name calling. If you say one thing, the typical
response is, oh you must be a Left, or you must be a Right or some people even say things like Libtard.
Take a look at any political post and replace left, right, conservative, liberal, etc etc with any race and see how it sounds.
Only saying this because it really bothers me when seeing how people talk to each other when it comes to politics and when they automatically label
people by having a political opinion based on ONE thing being said. For some reason people think because you have ONE similar opinion that matches a
certain political party that you automatically agree with EVERY SINGLE thing that is said by that political party. It's almost as though you are not
allowed to agree with both sides or have multiple opinions on different topics that don't match one sides idea. You are either black, or white, left
or right. It's pure ignorance and hatred and in my opinion this is why Racism still exists. Until we stop trying to pigeon hole people into a
category or label by stereotyping and generalizing then we will continue to remain an ignorant society.
I love fried chicken - Oh you must be black......sounds terrible right, but at the same time VERY ignorant and borderline racist.
I agree with abortion - oh you must be liberal......Doesn't sound so bad except for the generalization of being a liberal because of one single
I love fried chicken - you you must be a conservative, doesn't sound so bad either
I agree with abortion - oh you must be white....again, ignorant and borderline racist
Anyway, I doubt I made any sense in this post, it's always hard for me to put my thoughts on paper even though they make sense to me in my head,
others may not understand what i'm saying or where I am coming from but I can guarantee you that someone will read this post and generalize what
political party I am with only because of a word or two that was said....(no political affiliation BTW).