posted on Jun, 11 2019 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to:
i can just send you some ATB white papers lol.
i know form follows function and all that but certing contractors have their own 'look' if you know what i mean.
Clinton sold them tons of goodies on advanced nuclear warhead designs and with his better half selling uranium to the highest bidders recently the
Sino air force will have plenty to load into their bays.
if the US is incontrol of various super advanced aircraft that in a war with China would most likely be used in it all seems like a public work
project building these new heavy bombers.
take the black triangles that we know exist and have become infamous with extreme speed and maneuverability and we clearly own more than a few of
these types of advanced systems. I have seen rectangle and triangles/pyramid aircraft that are so advanced its really up for grabs(in my mind) grabs
where the tech came from and who or what is flying them.
and that isn't even getting into things like proteus and other advanced weapon systems it seems that america will hold the high ground(earth and
If we here know these things exist and many of us in this very forum have seen with their own eyes then so do other state actors like Russia and china
100% know they exist
the triangles have been proven to be able to toy with our best conventional fighters time and time again, if we have a small fleet of these than there
would be no way for any one opposed to the will of the owners of such highly advanced craft they would be crushed and that is assuming they don't
have something like them of their own.
10 of these things could take off and go to space with exxtreamly heavy payloads and could just drop the weapons from space and would obviously be
able to intercept any incoming ICBMs.