posted on Apr, 30 2019 @ 11:52 PM
Hello everyone! I am a newbie. I am a 49 year old woman living in the desert. I do some writing and legal research as my profession. While doing some
research online, I stumbled across this ATS forum. Since then, I have been doing a lot of reading of the various posts on this site. From what I have
seen so far, this website provides a great place that people can have frank, intelligent and logical discussions about a wide array of topics which
are tyypically concidered illogical by most. These subjects are usually dismissed as "poppycock" by the majority of people. It is for this specific
reason that I like this website. If enough people are experiencing the same "poppycock" then, it is my belief we should not be so quick to dismiss
such occurrences. Thanks for putting this website up. It serves as a way we can learn from one another, in our pursuit of enlightenment and wisdom.