posted on Apr, 30 2019 @ 10:08 PM
So, I moved my family back to Oregon around 7 months ago. Lived on Mt Hood for 10 years before a 7 year stint back East in Ohio.
In Ohio, a .22 was probably the most used tool in the house. We kept 30 hens more or less depending on predators, and 3 roosters.
Our Pyrenees was pretty amazing protection for the flock, but I still had to dispatch a number of coons, opossums and coyotes keep our girls
Now we are in Southern Oregon, Lions and Bears...oh my! I have a number of firearms, build em, smith em, but as my eyes lose their luster I find I
need a semi auto pistol to assure my wife, daughter and my own lives are protected in the woods panning, fishing, hunting etc...
This rhetoric conflating all semi autos as weapons of war is ridiculous and founded on city dwellers perspectives. The Glock 10mm covers alota bases,
15+1 10mm 200 grain fmj Underwood loads, protect us top to bottom. As I age and lose my sharp eyesight the red dot the Glockzilla affords seamlessly
allows for me to turn protection definitively where it belongs.
I have a super redhawk in .454 casull , but theres no way in hell I can draw down a charging bear, or leaping lion and be assured me and mine survive
with a revolver with my present skillset ( im an expert medal in the army).
I feel the Glock MOS 10MM is a fantastic option, given the right ammo..opinions?