posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:41 PM
Hell...Most girls I know can't truly appreciate a nice car or money.....A friend of mine's father just bought a Bentley Continental GT
Coupe....Gives her 16 year old daughter his $90,000 Mercedes.....Does she treat it any differently than her Honda Accord? Does she ask her dad if she
can drive the Bentley? Hell no!
Most girls simply like what they are given, if they're in the position to receive....Something which fluctuates from one person to the other....If
her father doesn't give her what she wants, she'll seek the next most lucrative source....
Of course,
I do know,
ladies, that there are plenty of women out there who contradict my statement....but as DLM mentioned - They're a
rare find and something you truly want to hold on to.....
[edit on 3/2/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]