posted on Apr, 19 2019 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to:
When I am old enough to claim a pension the age will be a lot higher than it is now. They just want our money, and hope we die before we can claim our
If you are a pensioner today, and you have an occupational pension and savings, you will more than likely be denied benefits. But if you have not,
then you can get Pension Credit, which tops up your money in line with what others receive and also means you pay zero council tax.
So those people did not save, nor opt in for the work pension, and are in a better position than most elderly people.
Also, unless you are lucky enough to die at home, when you get ill your savings will last about a few months paying for your care, then your house
goes, then the Govment pay. If you have none of the above, then the Govment pay. See my point ?