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roswell symbols

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posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Schmidt1989
actually the middle picture is thaught of as a real picture by many, and the last one looks real too, i think the symbold look kinda like greek symbols from colleges.

The third pic looks very much like greek letters, and it could well be Iota Sigma Nu Theta... It just bothers me a bit that aliens could be using greek letters... Why not, but very strange... This is not likely alien.

The second pic, however, is very interesting. The symbols do look a bit like greek, but not definitely. It looks also a bit like thai for instance... This pic has indeed been alleged to be an actual picture of the real thing, but nothing proves it in any way...

The first one is a total mystery to me... I have never ever seen that pic, and the symbols it shows seem to me to be very much man made to look like alien in a time when alien meant evil martian willing to conquer earth...
It seems to much fabricated to me.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 10:34 PM
You may want to try google's image search capability, go to google, enter roswell symbols, but hit Images.

You'll see alot of these, and other images.

google images

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 10:55 PM
lol, senshido, thats what i used to find them but i didn watch a show on roswell the other day, i think on the history channel, you know, your basic roswell show and they had actual pictures of the sherif or whatever and the other guy holding the things and they had a picture of symbols. they looked alot more real then the pics i found, but i cant seem to find them, btw the top pic that i posted looks like a bunch of generic card symbols like a cheap mexican ripoff of the spades symbol and stuff...

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