truth is, democracy is not an option, democracy is inevitable.
There is Democracy in Principle, aka as a form of government in which an informed and united populace work together as equals by agreeing to live
together and provide for each other. Yet, EVERY government is a democracy... because EVERY form of government relies upon the popuace, though the more
sinister of them use the populace as a MECHANISM, a tool to manufacture consent. This is Democracy in Action and it takes many forms; as many forms as
there are states of balance between people.
Therefore, Do Not Say, that we do not live in a democracy. wherever there is a sciety, there is a democracy... and it is each citizens utmost duty to
work together to uphold this maxim for the benefit of all, that we may safeguard mankind through our infancy and not let things like ancestral trauma
and literally "invasive" corruption to rule us any longer.
It is in this spirit i would like to challenge the notion that words on the internet can solve nothing, by inviting you, each of you, to discuss with
me and each other here. Now, I know we are all just people /on the internet with various levels of "real" connection. Not to downplay the importance
of intellectual communication as we share here but to be perfectly frank, I have barely met any of you who will be reading these words, amd im not the
best at keeping contact with those i have. I regret both of those very much.
And yet it just goes to show how important dialogue is in defining interactions between people. Now, i dont mean Dialogue in the strict sense of
conversation, but rather, dialogue as highlights the more... unspoken, aspects of interaction, the narrative subtext, aka the defining nature of theb
interation itself. theres no conversation i love more than one which explores the unique nature of the situation, tone, and climate of our
interaction, and working together as conscious beings to decide whether to follow the mind and world generated script, or create something new in its
place. Imagine reading a book where the characters analyzed themselves and their world, seemingly able to hear the thoughts of the author as he penned
their story.
edit on 14-4-2019 by LucidWarrior because: (no reason given)