Granted this is not exactly breaking news or current information in itself, however it is directly tied to the recent activity as can be observed in
relatively new released info and News.
Let me quote;
"Rapid advances in genetics will soon transform biological weapons into
potent tools of ethnic cleansing and terrorism, according to doctors."
Take a moment to reflect on the past decade of illegal aliens coming into America and other Countries, where these illegal aliens have diseases long
eradicated in modern societies.
These old diseases being brought back and have caused wide spread global pandemics. Any search can reveal these issues.
Why don't bring this up, well it's a solid historical reference for one, and two is proves there is a legitimate concern for these outbreaks, by
virologists and other doctors.
Another quote;
"The British Medical Association said that weapons that could distinguish
between ethnic groups by exploiting tiny genetic or cellular differences
between them could be a reality within a decade. Just as breakthroughs in
atomic physics earlier this century led rapidly to the nuclear bomb, genetic
science was providing researchers with new means of aiming and delivering
biological weapons, the association said. "
Since that article was published, things have advanced rapidly in the genetics field.
These are not theories, these are serious threats not being discussed as they should be. What happens when masses of infectious contagious illegal
aliens, travel unregulated and with out consideration of the biological effect it has.
Intentionally or not, the threat of contagion is real.
Another quote;
This report considers whether new biological weapons, made possible by the
mapping of the human genome, could be incorporated into the arsenals of
states and terrorist organizations. How might the revolution in
biotechnology be used to attack the genetic constitution of a national or
ethnic group, or enhance the virulence of organizations hostile to human
Biological warfare
We have an intentional infection of unknown individuals, those who are not willing to emplace a safety net system to prevent further spread of these
diseases are enabling it to spread. Often via illegal aliens who are bringing who knows what.
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