posted on Apr, 9 2019 @ 03:26 AM
As a huge SK fan, I can't believe I've never heard of this before. Got 2 mins in and I've ranged from: Ok this seems like an episode of The Outer
Limits, is this a fan rip-off of Small Soldiers, to is this really a SK story? Turns out it is.
I'm going to watch the rest because I love the idea behind it and kind of feel it's my duty as a King fan to find out what it's about. Thank you
halfoldman for bringing it to my attention and for FREE!
ETA: It might just be my PC, but ~10 min in and the audio doesn't sync with the video. Started off fine and then thought maybe it was bad encoding
and would be fixed next scene, but seems like maybe not,
edit on 4/9/19 by thov420 because: ETA