posted on Apr, 3 2019 @ 12:14 PM
Ahoy (I'm from a land of 10000 lakes, so I've used this fun, nautical greeting my whole life for entertainment purposes) Here goes: I'm 40, male,
everyone in my family exept my grandfather has very red hair. Mine was clear when it grew in. As soon as I attended school it darkened to light brown.
From the first day I can remember being immediately targeted by bullies, even mistreated by my teachers. Suffice to say, I did not show interest in
school until 7th grade (1991) When asked for the first time as a child what i wanted to be I answered "an Artist" without hesitation. And I am,
because I knew it. I know things. Back to the hair, by age 21 it was blond. By age 28 it returned to its original lack of color. 7th grade I became
withdrawn socially and I figured out I had a photographic memory, subsequently causing my grades to go from average to straight A's. Never lived
anywhere for longer than 3 years, so as the eternal new kid I endured the sadistic and violent treatment from classmates that seems to be a theme the
world over. Mother Irish/Scottish descent, father of German descent but earlier generations hailed from Oslo, Norway. "It's all new to me" means
precisely that. Age 31 I became deathly ill. After lots of pain and procedures it was found that I have Factor V Leiden, homozygous variety with a
tendency for frequent life threatening events, and, depending on who says, a nonexistent blood type. The moment I was told what I had I felt like I
was uploaded with lifetimes of information. I never knew what to do with it until 5 months ago. My Daughter, 13 years old, asked if I knew my blood
type and if I was hetero or homozygous in diagnosis. I didn't know these things and set out to discover them for her sake. She was born with visible
red hair and pure blue eyes even more striking then my own; and they appear perfectly hazel when viewed from the side in light. Inherited from her
mother of English decent who has hazel eyes. Since childhood people have noticed my eyes. I can convey complete emotionlessness, or murderous anger or
absolutely nothing at all. As a child I would not look at my eyes in a mirror because it scared me. I don't know why. My girlfriend says sometimes,
when speaking of something I'm passionate about they take on an effect that scares her. I don't know why. People mostly avoid me because as someone
who was beaten by low brow country kids my whole life I've learned to transmit body language that says "stay away." Being athletic and active I
was drawn to sports, but always failed and quit due to the way kids can be so mean to each other. In 8th grade I discovered martial arts and became a
student for life. Learning to have compassion for my oponent, I've never tried to or needed to use any of the devastating techniques I learned. And,
save for a few minor skirmishes ( used to go to bars before FVL, absolutely dont drink now because of the medication) as an adult I've never harmed
or killed any humans, even when given the chance to do so. I am capable of absolute anger in nuclear proportions. But I feel sorry for most humans. I
see the womb they have built to live in and know they are governed by an inner child. I can make these assumptions in seconds. I can feel the mental
burdens of those around me. I abhor those who physically dicipline their children and if I witness it, I can feel it. Not just the mere pain, but the
fear and confusion felt when someone that allegedly " loves" them commits this atrocity. I can see the truth instantly. I know you are a liar, it
causes an edgy aura that is not welcoming like that of an individual without vicious intent..theirs is round edged and harmonious with the natural
fields around it. Yes, I see them. Remember, it's all new to me, but explains how I've felt since I can first remember, but due to social
engineering and submitting to peer pressure I ignored these things my whole life until recently. I can see things you would need a microscope for,
but have astigmatism and bad vision. From childhood I consumed any information on the paranormal, Bermuda triangle, atlantis, ghosts and even the
Christian religion ( I was raised in a strict church that was called The Worldwide Church of God, anyone else?) I have dissected their Christian
belief system countless times. I enjoy making self righteous church people contradict themselves several times before I dismantle their theory without
even a bible in my hand. I can read super fast, my trick, you say? I just look at the whole page at once and can see everything. This ability has not
achieved me anything except astonishing grades in public schooling ( bleh! Curriculum is one of the most evil words in any language) I suppose that
can be all for now. As I mentioned earlier, I've only been imbued by this feeling of knowing everything five months ago..preceded by a lifetime of
resisting it. Most of the people I work with dislike me of which I do not care. As far as love, I don't think I can feel it. No relationships have
ever lasted, all at my fault of course. I'm not rich, in fact according to common standards Im in poverty. I didn't go to college due to dabling
in homemade explosives during Clinton administration, I was charged as an adult at 17, thereby losing the scholarship granted to me in 11th grade.
So I've just been an idiot lazy typical American male going from job to job. I don't care for anything offered by the world, I feel sorry for alot
of humans because I can feel their angst, their struggle. Everything having to do with their lies of how the universe works and geology / physics are
my favorite subjects because they are all so wrong I relish secretly enjoying watching those wheels turn when disgussed with educated know it all
arrogant humans, except in the case of childrens education. I can see it in their minds dotting mental corridors like litter after a concert. I know
everything is fake. I feel like i can see back into the past when i touch antiques. Psychics are immediately overwhelmed by my energy, so ive never
had a reading that i trust. My new hobby is gematria, and i really dont care about the abbreviated agencies watching, listening. I don't believe
anything that most humans fervently believe in like, for instance: alleged lunar explorations, the shape of this plane of existence and everything
else completely rooted in lies contrived to confuse and lead the weak, impressionable mental capacities of the normal human. There's that arrogance.
For that I apologize, as I am (mostly) human I do have that typical arrogance. Allright, you probably x ed out of this long ago, and it exists just to
occupy and entertain the agents. Remember, it's all new to me and definitely respond. I do enjoy the opinions of (other?) Humans.. Ladies and
Gentlemen, there you have it.