posted on Mar, 29 2019 @ 01:44 PM
That's it.
I've been a member here probably over a decade, I think, and I've read many many topics here.
But this.
This is hands down my absolute favorite topic in all those years here.
New music, New composers and singers
What is NOT to love?!
This is all proof 100% that music HAS no language and hits all of us in our hearts in some way or the other.
Thank you a millionfold for this topic, and to all who have added more musicians.
I'll share one of my faves from Sweden and Finland. The second Guy actually sings a language not heard since Viking days. First time I heard this
song, something primeval in me awoke and listened. Some super long memory flooded from my DNA..... Ah just listen. I hope y'all enjoy this.