a reply to:
People that can ask things like that, can often answer them, as well.
Identity is not SUPPOSED to be an easy thing to find or figure out, that can be handed to you on a silver platter.
It's amazing that you have experienced all that, but not gained enough wisdom to realize the answers are within yourself, and that no one outside can
hand them to you - you keep seeking the answer from the outside, you keep hoping someone ELSE will tell you what you are.
You can't ask ME what YOU are. You can't define me, I can't define you.
I have been on this planet a lot longer than you, and I have no idea what I am, I have never found 'an identity', so I have never identified with
anything (other than 'human being' or 'pile of energy' maybe).
This is also a blessing, of course, because it means you are above and beyond the FALSE identities that come so easily to most people.
The people that can't answer the question: "Who are you?" instantly (or at all), are bound to be more interesting than people that can IMMEDIATELY
give you a stock answer.
"I am Ernold Blorgenstein from Crysalisroad 14 B, I am a Canadian and a Republican, I am a teacher at University, I drive a Mercury and and .."
Many people start listing things like that so easily, and are deeply entrenched with that kind of fabricated, fake identity. They would fight against
you if you told them that's not their REAL, TRUE identity, even if somewhere in the back of their minds, they would realize the truth.
It's called 'identity crisis' for a reason; the unfortunate problem is that most people 'solve' this 'problem' by ASSIGNING themselves an identity
(however superficial or fake), and then carry that as their 'self-image' until the incarnation ends, and they realize how wrong they were.
"Who are you, REALLY?" has been asked even in silly TV programs, like 'Babylon 5' - and audience is shocked that the answer 'Delenn of the Grey
Council' isn't good enough an answer for Jack the Ripper.
Maybe there's value in just asking the question, pondering about it, even if we can't find an answer.
I don't really know, and I can't really give you any solid answer, because I haven't even figured out who or what I am. I know some fragments and
tidbits, but 'myself' is the biggest mystery to me. I do have eyes that look 'otherplanetary' (for the lack of better term), but if you don't think in
those terms, you might not notice.
I have vague memories of freedom beyond the Earthly Realm, I have had very interesting, realistic-feeling 'dreams' of other worlds and living there, I
know enough about Astral World to know what to expect and how to navigate my way there, I have experienced Lucid Dreams and memories of past
incarnations and 'in-betweens' and even bits of the so-called 'birth' and limb size differences from 'old bodily age to young bodily age' when I had a
fever - it was stressful and very other-wordly experience to remember my old hand size and then suddenly have this fresh, tiny hand instead -
experiencing both hand sizes simultaneously (after all, I was very -used- to the hand size after having it for a long time, before this
I have all kinds of experiences like that, I have proven telepathy to work with my friend, I have seen .. let's just say interesting 'sky phenomenon'
to not get all the skeptics wild here, and of course I have seen auras with bright, vivid colors and such (normally they look less colorful and more
None of this helps with the great mystery of 'Who Am I', though, but maybe a discussion like this can help you cope with the fact that you might not
HAVE an identity, at least not an easy-to-put-to-words-kind.
The question is; do you really NEED an identity? Do you really NEED to know who you are, or can you go ONE incarnation without such knowledge? Could
it be you need to let this question drive you? I don't know, I am just trying to help. I have learned to cope somehow, and I am trying to find
identity in the moment rather than in the past these days. After all, we can choose so many things in life, why couldn't we choose our identity every
After all, we do grow, learn and change, and thus, every moment, we ARE a different individual.
Who am I? If you have a ready answer to this question, you fit this planet VERY well.
If you don't, welcome to the club, maybe your life will be more interesting - at least internally speaking.