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What The F Am I?

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posted on Aug, 21 2020 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: sapien82

What you are actually is beyond words, but it would be not untrue to say you are nothing whatsoever other than pure, infinite, disembodied consciousness/intelligence; a field of miraculous infinite light; God dreaming itself; an infinite point of pure potential; or the infinite implications of nothing whatsoever.

The immediate presentation of this unspeakable actuality is the field of your experience, which is an instantaneously appearing virtual field of Radiant Presence as apparent qualities. This is the actuality of which every/ and any/ thing that you think exists consists. This is inclusive and complete; nothing whatever other than this field exists. In short, the entirety of Reality is the "bubble" of YOUR experience, the field of Radiant Presence, which alone exists.

This is the totality of Reality. This is not theoretical, but is actually, immediately real; always the case right here right now.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 01:43 PM
What are you?

A transitory being having transitory experiences.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM


If you don't know how do you expect anyone else to know what you are?

Craving attention in numerous different threads all with the same to similar premise would be my guesstimation this evening if it helps.

edit on 5-1-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 06:19 PM
The heavenly "eye" is never ever ever supposed to be used to answer such a question... the "journey" or looking into the concept and nature of the phenomena known as "self" as an individual is supposed to go on that journey and find out all alone. It is considered a very "evil" thing to force a knowing even by a whisper or other means as it is considered "inhuman" that "form" of not being realized may change before such a thing o message is gotten "across" stranding "them" and a corpse as haired "bond" that is not their fault.

There are a great many gods and goddess that have no issue with the killing or absolute destruction of such individuals or groups that set out to produce such an occurrence not only heavenly gods and goddesses not only earthly gods and goddesses but gods and goddesses not attached to material "forms".

There is never any excuse for it in any way shape or form as it is seen as an intentional intrusion on one's own personal life as a solo ath interrupted by the greedy the hateful the delusional and those lustful impatient for their own just rewards and or deserts.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

People that can ask things like that, can often answer them, as well.

Identity is not SUPPOSED to be an easy thing to find or figure out, that can be handed to you on a silver platter.

It's amazing that you have experienced all that, but not gained enough wisdom to realize the answers are within yourself, and that no one outside can hand them to you - you keep seeking the answer from the outside, you keep hoping someone ELSE will tell you what you are.

You can't ask ME what YOU are. You can't define me, I can't define you.

I have been on this planet a lot longer than you, and I have no idea what I am, I have never found 'an identity', so I have never identified with anything (other than 'human being' or 'pile of energy' maybe).

This is also a blessing, of course, because it means you are above and beyond the FALSE identities that come so easily to most people.

The people that can't answer the question: "Who are you?" instantly (or at all), are bound to be more interesting than people that can IMMEDIATELY give you a stock answer.

"I am Ernold Blorgenstein from Crysalisroad 14 B, I am a Canadian and a Republican, I am a teacher at University, I drive a Mercury and and .."

Many people start listing things like that so easily, and are deeply entrenched with that kind of fabricated, fake identity. They would fight against you if you told them that's not their REAL, TRUE identity, even if somewhere in the back of their minds, they would realize the truth.

It's called 'identity crisis' for a reason; the unfortunate problem is that most people 'solve' this 'problem' by ASSIGNING themselves an identity (however superficial or fake), and then carry that as their 'self-image' until the incarnation ends, and they realize how wrong they were.

"Who are you, REALLY?" has been asked even in silly TV programs, like 'Babylon 5' - and audience is shocked that the answer 'Delenn of the Grey Council' isn't good enough an answer for Jack the Ripper.

Maybe there's value in just asking the question, pondering about it, even if we can't find an answer.

I don't really know, and I can't really give you any solid answer, because I haven't even figured out who or what I am. I know some fragments and tidbits, but 'myself' is the biggest mystery to me. I do have eyes that look 'otherplanetary' (for the lack of better term), but if you don't think in those terms, you might not notice.

I have vague memories of freedom beyond the Earthly Realm, I have had very interesting, realistic-feeling 'dreams' of other worlds and living there, I know enough about Astral World to know what to expect and how to navigate my way there, I have experienced Lucid Dreams and memories of past incarnations and 'in-betweens' and even bits of the so-called 'birth' and limb size differences from 'old bodily age to young bodily age' when I had a fever - it was stressful and very other-wordly experience to remember my old hand size and then suddenly have this fresh, tiny hand instead - experiencing both hand sizes simultaneously (after all, I was very -used- to the hand size after having it for a long time, before this incarnation)..

I have all kinds of experiences like that, I have proven telepathy to work with my friend, I have seen .. let's just say interesting 'sky phenomenon' to not get all the skeptics wild here, and of course I have seen auras with bright, vivid colors and such (normally they look less colorful and more subtle).

None of this helps with the great mystery of 'Who Am I', though, but maybe a discussion like this can help you cope with the fact that you might not HAVE an identity, at least not an easy-to-put-to-words-kind.

The question is; do you really NEED an identity? Do you really NEED to know who you are, or can you go ONE incarnation without such knowledge? Could it be you need to let this question drive you? I don't know, I am just trying to help. I have learned to cope somehow, and I am trying to find identity in the moment rather than in the past these days. After all, we can choose so many things in life, why couldn't we choose our identity every moment?

After all, we do grow, learn and change, and thus, every moment, we ARE a different individual.

Who am I? If you have a ready answer to this question, you fit this planet VERY well.

If you don't, welcome to the club, maybe your life will be more interesting - at least internally speaking.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 01:21 AM
What's weirder and I didn't see it in your list is sitting that srt of meditation where it is just that sitting and nothing really else going on and you start noticing people passing through or coming and going "not oneself" the worst of course would be the evil one or the one that took up residence like it is theirs without "you" really knowing it... as it is a fetter them being attached to your form and desiring not to be who they are it's a form of jealousy often disguised as love or admiration when that doesn't work.

What some people do not state state about OBE is the goal is to dwell in your target and take over their mind and life as if it was their very own such people are best thought of as hungry ghosts trying to do sanctioned or illegal transference of consciousness... such a thing is thousands of years old if not more and the concept of "oneness" or unity is the lingo as often mistaken to be at one with the godhead when it is more akin to demonic possession and lends no path or gateway to freedom emptiness of course means the ability to see this occur as a knowing otherwise such a thing continually goes on and in such a state ignorance of "duality" is just that.

Never have i seen people so angry as those that can't OBE possess that once could without the targets knowing who or what was doing such a thing. Pittible are those beings as they are looking for an escape running fearful and afraid and of course evil because they try to make you live in fear to open a door and let them in as if you were ever their possession.

Such a thing could be said to occur in everyone's life when they can or cannot get their male and female energies in balance or at peace where they dissolve into each other even more difficult for that to occur when others are steadily interfering and believe it or not the maximum of returning to the scene of the crime? When it comes to those looking to possess as OBE is almost always true as the usual suspects and their cohorts beings and or people looking to do the same thing.

Those that are on the same energy wavelength could be said to be a kindred spirit or twin flame someone that passes through sits for a bit and then moves on like a bee gathering pollen the bee that tries to possess the flower however? Unwelcome and the defense should be obvious knowing that person's character as you'll be able to see those people cearly when sitting is just sitting unfortunately for the most part it is the morally corrupt or just plain corrupt that appear to not be in society by all appearances and standards but when it comes to reality they are what could be termed ecil and want to drag you around like a dog and then run back home after taking you out for a spin.

If it seems like I am joking? I am sure there are many people experienced that could verify but knowing the tenacity of those people when in groups? It is best to keep one's head down to not become a target for such a thing again once they feel that that are or have been freed from it. So not need to out yourselves here or verify in any way what I am saying as a truth as any of you reading this may know it.
But as saying as defense I have looking at such a thing for some time and it seems all these evil hungry ghost people want OBEying is acceptance for their aberration and once you're the one seen as guilty deny ever being such a thing and then right back into their modes or expression of denial.

What they don't know hoever is it is their true face that shows up or appears on whomever it is that they try to have or be in possession of and those with clear seeing and knowing that judge such beings as hell bound heaven bound as incarnations and migrations of spirit work tirelessly in putting order in proper order where it belongs as if they didn't? Then their realms would end up just as corrupted as those realms where beings are ignorant of such a thing occurring.

Such a thing is both esoteric and exoteric in nature when it comes to practice. It is not a good practice and it is often sold like oh you can fly around the moon walk on water etc. when it is really just knowing one is in a form they do not want an age close to death and want to jump you out of it and then cut the cord for anything close to human you could get into. There are some unconscious cultural references to such a thing more along the lines of Ai is the talk these days of do you want to live forever... the matrix is really an OBE movie if one looks at it closely the "good guys" always appear as themselves and the evil "agents" always possess or morph into someone else and when dead do no appear as an agent so one could say they were rogue to the system as the system as dream a freewilled life even though you're fuel or power there shouldn't be any harm...

but inessence bth running around playing good cop bad cop and you just have to believe are equal when one steps back and looks at the system itself as previously mentioned. Morally corrupt being moral when they don't want to be says being moral is a defense but not really because then the morally "upright" try or want to do the same thing the morally corrupt does as oh this person is also moral or close enough to inhabit and do not see that morality as a self defense from the amoral that would want to possess it however the brakes get applied and those that could lead you to heaven have no idea why and that nope jut being moral to avoid the amoral was why otherwise id just be myself and do what I do morals be damned.

As odd as that sounds it's the only thing I have ever seen religions and concepts of good and evil do... and nothing more. When I see a cross and hear there are Christians? How odd how strange... why? Look at the cross that's where the dude ended up obviously not a good path to follow if that's the end of it eh? Want to follow Jesus? No why? End up on a cross you will. Why people don't see it that way? Has to be illusion or delusion oh no he came back from the dead... what to be nailed on a different sort of wood? It's not like the fella is gonna change who he is and if he did more illusion and delusion. In the beginning of that book that person heard "god" was the origin and they carried it and carried it only that word and ended up dying like that? That word he carried "god" why have you forsaken me? It was just a word said to be the origin I'd say it was more like someone being taken off the cross like playing a tape backwards and that spirit or OBE possesses someone then around they go holding "god" again only to end up on that thing just to drag another person to it like they were after having died on it too sort of like a weird baptism. Being on or off the cross as an alpha and omega I guess all those people would be still hungry for something else other than unity or oneness with the last person that died in such a way to flee or think oneself free from it only to drag the next victim to the hill to be crucified um yeah no thanks.

Then we have that weird saying as law; that law is a "possession" that is of 9/10's of itself... any metaphysical mathematicians wanna take a few rounds with that as a conceptual theory and unravel it? As it sounds like the how to kill a mosquito and get away with it joke using tequila salt and a toothpick to me
It's a complicated matter OP I suggest looking into your habituals with matter as a self like be the label of those things and start deducting those things til nope not me without it.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 05:50 PM

edit on 27-5-2023 by spacedoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Let me see here...

1. Out of body experience.✅️
2. Near death experience.✅️
3. Prophetic dreams.✅️
4. Unknown Contact Of Unearthly Kind.❌️
5. Demons & Angels.✅️ (understood as psychological constructs)
6. Realms some would consider Hells, Heavens and Otherworldly.✅️ (lucid dreams only, not actual travel)
7. Gods of Old & New.❌️ (but I have had god power in lucid dreams. Like Matrix-style flying.)
8. Given countless names by strangers (some very questionable).✅️ (Do homeless people randomly say weird s# to you too? Like "The dark man is coming for you, Larry!", or something similar?)
9. Knew details about a person they never told anyone (rarely happens but when it does they at times wonder if I'm God).✅️ (I prefer River Tam as an analog, only without natural grace or the government psychic warrior program)
10. Experienced events in a dream only to find them as headlines in a newspaper the very next morning (both possible as the causer and not preventing them).✅️ (Not headlines in the newspaper, but they did happen eventually, or later proved correct)
11. Memories of old cities, strange somewhat secret locations and formation of things (Creation & Evolution turns out both go hand in hand)...✅️
12. Sometimes knowing stuff I've never read or seen.
The list goes on...✅️ (The woman in my head that never shuts up has about a 50% accuracy rate)

I'm really not trolling you, it just sounds familiar.

I got there by manifesting a tulpa. Or golem if you're Jewish. No clay though. Followed the Tibetan conjuring version. Just a mental creation. Believed it was there until she was ALWAYS there. And now I have random intuitive dreams and she never shuts up. Ever. Not really angelic or demonic, really helpful with obscure trivia answers, but really annoying at times. And it's staying, mostly because I never gave it a dissolution command. I made it's task to talk to me, so now it's pretty much as sentient as something sharing your mind can get. And I got what I asked for. Forever.

I would also advise people TO NEVER DO THAT.

I honestly believe thoughtforms, being unconscious creations, have strange interconnected "Google search like ability" in real time. It retains the 95% of stuff you can't. And maybe through some weird process picks up on current events. Can't really explain it otherwise.

I wouldn't elevate yourself to anything too divine. People can do this as psychology-based non-believers. And sorry to be all narcissistic and share similar experiences.
edit on 28-5-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I got to visit the temple under the Vatican where they keep the kids and women they sacrifice to the one they call "Mother".

Now we'er talkin....could you expound on this. How does one attain the privilege to visit this place?

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 07:36 AM
Hopefully we're all on a search to a place where we feel fine, a place of morality where knowing what is right and knowing what is wrong gives us life.

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