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miracle healings etc.

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posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 02:00 PM
Does anyone know any examples of miracle healings, and any sort of unexplained events connected to any religion, God etc. - excluding those related to catholicism.
I was interested in this for a long time, thx.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Megaquad
Does anyone know any examples of miracle healings....

I don't believe in magic or miracles. But I believe in the Spirit of God. It is this spirit that gives us life. To me there is not much difference between a living man and an example of healing, only the living man is more of a mystery than the healing I think. God has given me warm hands and a strong faith in God, and I thank him for this quite often. People have believed I have fever when they feel my hands, though I'm not feverish at all. In fact I believe I can remove fever if God wants me to. When God wants me to he lets me heal the sick, only I'm abit cowardous about it. I don't want to be known as a miracle man, for I'm not. It's not me who does it, it is God, he only uses me as a channel for his Spirit.

If God can explain it, it's not a miracle. Everything has it's explanation under the Sun, and everything will be explained for us one day. Miracles are only miracles for those who cannot explain. For God there are no miracles, for he knows what it is. He is all knowing. Stop looking for miracles, you are one.


posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 06:18 PM
Yeah I know what you mean, I also see "miracle's" like that. But they are not something ordinary you see every day so that word seems most convinient.

I was asking because there are so many miracles connected to catholic church. "dancing" sun in Fatima, countless healings, saints with uncorruptable bodies, stigmatas, extremely strong light coming from Holy Communion and most importantly, many prayers received and listened by God.

However, no other religion has any supernatural events like that.
My question, do you think that those miracles, call them as you wish, and so many listened prayers from God are proof that christianity is the true religion?
God gave us so many evidences, I think, when some among us will go to final judgement will not have an excuse for not obeying God because they "didn't know".

Is there any documented listened prayer (by God), that incredibly came true in any other religion?

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 06:29 PM
My grandmother was healed from a serious illness by a christian healer, in Norway. He praises God for his ability and refuses to charge money or anything for healing. My aunt has also visited him when she was sick.
I believe that there are genuine 'miracles' just as their are counterfeits and cheap hoaxes.
I tend to be weary though of visions since it's not always easy to discern if they are true or not and by what authority one recieves it from.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Megaquad
My question, do you think that those miracles, call them as you wish, and so many listened prayers from God are proof that christianity is the true religion?

Never use miracles to proove anything. These days anyone can perform miracles. It seems to me that most healing performed by neo-Christian movements like the pentecostals etc., is hoax. I was "healed" once by pentecostals. First came a man who strangled me until I fell dead on the floor. When nothing good happened to me to end my missery, another tried using the same method. I "fell" before my brain got "bleeded" as if not to be different from the hurd. Then another time I looked at this guy who "miraculously" made this woman's leg grow out. The preacher said that it was because one of her legs was longer that her back hurt, so he put pressure on the leg while he talked about miracles and Jesus and everything. When he let go of the foot, it "grew" out to it's "destined" length. Hoax hoax hoax.

God has let me take away pain and swellings if it's his will at several occations, that is not hoax. I also carry all except one stigmas of Christ on my body as scars from accidents. That is not hoax. All of these things God has let me do, can be proven, only doctors tend to shake their heads from it I guess. They can't understand it. I want to see the day when this is explained and I don't have to feel like a con man everytime God wants me to share my gifts of the Spirit.

Also, the babbeling of the pentecostals isn't tongues, but babbeling. God has given his servants the possibility to speek languages they don't know, not "languages" noone knows. If two people wish for something in the Spirit, they will have it. Stay in Christ, and he will give you what your heart desires, only don't be too greedy.


posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 07:29 PM
Yes indeed, this agressive stance of evangelists, pentecostals, etc. sometimes gets out of hand, they are dealing with things they shouldn't.
Please don't think I'm being greedy when talking about miracles, I am only thinking on those achieved with prayer and not hoaxes and sects. I was thinking on them as a way to make non-believers believe, and make them as some sort of scientifical evidences about true God. After all, thats part of why is God allowing them.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 07:59 PM
I also had some events like that.
My mother was praying to blessed virgin Mary as her grandmother was sick from uncurable disease.
She saw mother Mary formed by clouds in sky and shortly after that her grandmother was cured.

Also, several times I prayed for something, when it was God's will, he granted it to me, and not only that, he gaved me more than I asked for.

God also opened my eyes twice, because after first time, somehow i fell into the darkness again, now finaly I am commited to Christ.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 09:04 PM
Megaquad if you get a chance get and read "Avatar of Night" by Tal Brooke. Tal Brooke was a former "adept" with a Sai Babba in India until Tal converted to Christianity. Tal Brooke reportedly has seen Sai Babba perform miraculous healings which have been verified. (I guess Satan has some power also.) This type of miracle is not just within only within the realm of Christianity, other beliefs have their stories of miracles. I personally exprienced a small miracle (sometimes the small miracles are the big ones) but it did not deal with healing.

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 09:38 PM
I am going to agree with jagdflieger plenty of stories with respect to miracles in other cultures, as well as very positive acts which are comparable to those in all other faiths.

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Toltec
I am going to agree with jagdflieger plenty of stories with respect to miracles in other cultures, as well as very positive acts which are comparable to those in all other faiths.

Oh yes. Healing isn't something that Christianity has a monopoly of. Many cultures perform spiritual healings and exorsism. But I understand this as a proof that we don't need to know the name and story of Jesus to love and be loved by him. There were rightious people before Jesus came you know. And to believe in God and Jesus is to do his will. The satans I know "heal" with pharmacy and placebo, self healing everyone can do by walking over to the nearest drugstore. Did you know that the word for pharmaseutical medicine is the exact same as is translated or rather interpreted as sourcery in the Book of Revelation? Pharmakeia is the word and speeks for itself.


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