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AOC Weighs in on ChristChurch Massacre: God help us.....

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posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

White supremacy or no, this is New Zealand's issue and nothing to do with the US

Yes like how much problems came from Muslims before we starting bombing their nations. These seem to be directly proportional.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: ketsuko

White supremacy or no, this is New Zealand's issue and nothing to do with the US

Yes like how much problems came from Muslims before we starting bombing their nations. These seem to be directly proportional.

200 years ago the Barbary pirate wars were Muslims raiding, pillaging, raping, and enslaving European coastal communities and American trade ships... Thomas Jefferson declared war on them following a council with a Muslim ambassador who informed him that

it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet,1 that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.


The modern United States Marine Corps was founded to fight against the Muslim horde 230 years ago.

In 1979, Jihadists in Iran stormed the US embassy in Tehran and seized 66 hostages, not because the US had bombed anyone, but because the US allowed the deposed Shah of Iran, an enemy of the Jihadists, to come into this country for cancer treatments. That action, NOT BOMBINGS, sparked the animals into their most recent 40 year spate of terrorizing, attacking, and hating the western world. The animals call us the "Great Satan" and ululate and dance in the streets when attacks kill Western civilians. The bombings you would like to call the cause of Muslim violence have actually been in response to Muslim violence and barbarism. It is a culture incompatible to harmonious western ideologies and will remain as much until their religion experiences the same reformations as most other world religions have long ago gone through. We are presently seeing the resistance to that very much needed reformation and, frankly, we will continue to see it until the world reaches the point where the reformation either must happen or the religion, itself, will be outlawed globally for the good of peace worldwide.

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