a reply to:
We're entering into the Augmented Age... the Information Age is going bye-bye.
How is one to hold concrete validity to what is real and what isn't when technology and information inputs open up to such vast channels as they
AI and machine learning programs utilize the stirring of emotions to learn easier. A human that has something to gain is more likely to remain more
reserved in their true feelings. A human that is operating with the limbic system as the captain has a higher probability of leaking truth serum,
allowing for learning machines to adapt to learning faster with the added input. AI can learn from input way better than a human can... mostly
because emotions aren't changing output variables like humans experience.
People adapt quickly. People see these technologies learning better than humans. Now, humans use the limbic system of others to extract better
content in debates. The goal is to piss the questioning off prior to content questioning. It's a dirtier way to debate sure, but it's quite
effective in hurting logic theory. The conspiracy theorist of times past was good about keeping their emotions in check while delving into uncharted
theories. Nowadays, even the common conspiracy theorist has too large of a need to be the superior intellect, causing them to fall for the many
limbic system traps set by the new age debater.
Just watch... there will be a time in the not so distant future that debates will have to be validated prior to entry. The Augmented Age will distort
communication and the barriers within them so much, that a technology system will be implemented to tamper down the limbic system... one may have to
validate their input as being human, augmented, or virtual, or AI.
Threads like this and the clear break down of human communication indicate to me that too many variables of input to humans causes a hindrance in both
processing and output of the battery system of people. Once the input sectors are offered less viability, the logic systems can get back to work...
causing the conspiracy theorist to flourish again.
Our inputs of worth are self generated. One may find that devaluing the input factors seen in current times allows for the conspiracy worlds to build
up effectiveness as a natural byproduct of input removal. If a person thinks, they are pretty much a conspiracy theorist... all people are conspiracy
theorists about something.
Questions form conspiracy theories. To take inputs in the form of 'answers' and have conspiracy questioning flourish does not work. Until inputs of
questions remain of value while ignoring answers rebirths, we shall see conspiracy questioning broken down to its cores.
Ignoring emotions and rants fights the augmented beast most efficiently I have found.