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posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:40 PM

The world is a weird place. Of this we can be certain. The more time I spend living this life, the stranger it seems to become.
Whether I look into politics, science, religion, the concept of "Secret Societies', pop culture, literature, anything really...the deeper you delve into any topic the stranger it seems to me. The world is a weird place. Its always has been. This is of course more than likely due to a lack of information but thats the point right? The whole knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss thing?

Anyway...this is one of the only places a person can post something fringe and not worry too immensly on being immediately called a looney. Thats something I can truly respect about this place simply because the easiest way to destroy a persons credibility is automatically dismiss them as being something other than competant and grounded in reality. It goes without saying (but ill say it anyway) that if there are paid shills bent on misleading and discrediting people this would be the place they'd go. Take what you hear with a grain of salt, because giving everyone the benifit of the doubt just isnt working anymore...

I'll feed this site its stupid 20 posts and then we'll have a looksie at what I've come across.

Welcome to Heaven.
Welcome to Hell.

Welcome to Earth.

edit on 12-3-2019 by S777S because: 4gt

edit on 12-3-2019 by S777S because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: S777S

Welcome to ATS. 20 posts are quite easily reached and you can reply to any thread, if that helps.

See you around.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: S777S

Welcome to ATS!

Various forum require certain number of posts, others do not.

You can also go over here:

ATS: Freshman Forum.

There are threads there where you can practice linking in photos, text, music, videos, etc. And all that posting "counts" as well and give you some experience using BBCodes.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 06:32 PM
Hello Clarice...

Sorry had to do it.

Welcome to the nuthouse, reach Mage level 70 to receive your inflatable vest.

Now, where'd I put those Lava Beans?

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: S777S

Hej! Vi, der kører denne side er meget taknemmelige, hvis du ønsker at tænde for adblocker.

Vi prøver så vidt muligt at bare have en salgsfremmende display per side, i modsætning til mange andre. Når vi lever ved at vise reklamer på dette websted, så det virker derfor ikke godt for os, at de mennesker, der kommer her blokerer reklamer.

Mange tak for din forståelse!

posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: S777S

The world is a weird place. Of this we can be certain. The more time I spend living this life, the stranger it seems to become.
Whether I look into politics, science, religion, the concept of "Secret Societies', pop culture, literature, anything really...the deeper you delve into any topic the stranger it seems to me. The world is a weird place. Its always has been. This is of course more than likely due to a lack of information but thats the point right? The whole knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss thing?

Anyway...this is one of the only places a person can post something fringe and not worry too immensly on being immediately called a looney. Thats something I can truly respect about this place simply because the easiest way to destroy a persons credibility is automatically dismiss them as being something other than competant and grounded in reality. It goes without saying (but ill say it anyway) that if there are paid shills bent on misleading and discrediting people this would be the place they'd go. Take what you hear with a grain of salt, because giving everyone the benifit of the doubt just isnt working anymore...

I'll feed this site its stupid 20 posts and then we'll have a looksie at what I've come across.

Welcome to Heaven.
Welcome to Hell.

Welcome to Earth.

You know it's not really heaven or hell, or Earth for that matter.

It is a battle of the minds , ego, some good facts and skepticism, or critical thinking.

Share away, brother.

posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 03:39 AM
greetings earthling

posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: S777S

Nice to meet you! Hello and welcome!

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