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Rich People loopholes - Felicity Huffman Lori Loughlin charge in college admission scheme

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posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

People like to cry about white privilege, but in reality there's only rich privilege and minority privilege. This is a prime example. Damn Hollywood idiots. Had this been about kids from a normal society and middle class family, people like the ones who got caught would be going apeship.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Rich Hollywood Leftist Elites caught cheating the system.
Color me surprised.

You should be VERY surprised. Surprised the news called them out.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

These people don't care about their kids. They've most of their lives away from them anyways so they give them whatever they want and somehow think it buys their love.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: SouthernGift
these people have lived in a different reality than the average person, for 2-3 generations now.
That veil between us is being brought down. I wonder how they’ll fare in the world of fair that’s coming.

Although, as in such cases as the Olson twins (they come to mind bc the photo of the full house Star is being shown everywhere) also Mcculley culkin, how they ended up not much better off than one in poverty on the streets... with a life
Of addiction etc.... I’m almost of the mind that crushing this corrupt system will be freeing to so many caught up in it, as well, if that makes sense.

But, that’s a different topic. I just like that we see an attempt at justice.

The same way they dealt with being locked up. That anti-Trumper from Full House is out on a million dollar bond. Fa real doe??? They need to be hit where it hurts, right in the purse. Don't put a price on bail, make them stay put until trial.

Oddly enough, while these same people call Trump immoral and corrupt, he made all of his kids earn their own way through college like any loving parent does. I guess democrats still haven't learned.... Cheaters never win.

posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 07:33 PM
SURPRISE!...NONE of the families named in this university bribery scandal donated to Trump. The majority donated to Clinton.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

What I do not understand is why we still have a justice department when we have real crime to deal with like human trafficking ,drug trafficking ,foreign governments paying us officials at top levels of gov for state secrets ,cartel funded street gangs and others they waste time and money of this crap that has been going on forever. Who were the victims a few students who missed opportunities. Well allow them to sue the schools then and practice will stop. But think about this how many lives were saved by 5hese rich parents who donated monies to medical schools that used it to fund n4w and experimental equipment?

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: proteus33
a reply to: IAMTAT

What I do not understand is why we still have a justice department when we have real crime to deal with like human trafficking ,drug trafficking ,foreign governments paying us officials at top levels of gov for state secrets ,cartel funded street gangs and others they waste time and money of this crap that has been going on forever. Who were the victims a few students who missed opportunities. Well allow them to sue the schools then and practice will stop. But think about this how many lives were saved by 5hese rich parents who donated monies to medical schools that used it to fund n4w and experimental equipment?

This is real crime. It's not violent crime, but it is crime. There is racketeering, fraud, false impersonation and a whole host of other unsavory things.

The victims go beyond a few students. These people set up fake charities, they paid off test proctors, coaches, administrators. We are starting to see the cracks but they are have weakened the trust between the people and college admission. Questions are being asked that have not been asked.

Think about this, how many lives have been lost by not allowing student that had true gifts in, but instead letting entitled party kids in their place....

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

this is a non-partisian issue, but leave it to you to try to make it one. unbelievable.

you really take trump's base as stupid, don't ya?

does ANYONE believe melania's einstein visa wasn't bought? LOLOL

or, kushner's dad's donation of 2 million to a school he didn't attend? god lord..

and, trump himself went to great lengths to hide his high school transcipts. LOLOLOL would anyone really be surprised it it turned out his

education was bought? not me, not for one second. lolol release your transcripst trump! lol

edit on 15-3-2019 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2019 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: knoxie

OF COURSE I pointed out the fact that rich, elitist, progressive, Hollywood Leftists got caught hypocritically leveraging their privilege and wealth to bribe and cheat the system.

Limousine Leftists are fair game.
Political hypocrisy is important to highlight and call out.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: IAMTAT

and, trump himself went to great lengths to hide his high school transcipts. LOLOLOL would anyone really be surprised it it turned out his

education was bought? not me, not for one second. lolol release your transcripst trump! lol

I'd love to see Trump's high school transcripts. Can we see Obama's Columbia transcripts as well?

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 12:11 PM
Every person on this chat has influenced an outcome of something with money ! America is not a country !! It is a corporation

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 01:03 PM
MORE Leftist hypocrisy:

Alleged university scammer, Jane Buckingham, hosted a fundraiser for Kirsten Gillibrand less than a week before she was charged for paying someone $50,000.00 to take her son's ACT exam for him.

posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
Every person on this chat has influenced an outcome of something with money ! America is not a country !! It is a corporation

Yes, but not every person on this chat done it by breaking the law... BIG difference.

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