posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 06:02 AM
Driving in to work this morning at KSA I noted a what appeared to be either a Marine or USAF C-130J moored in the VIP parking area. It was to early in
the morning light wise and I was concentrating on driving through the roadworks zone to get an ID. Maybe it was down there in Avalon and was
transiting back up north, or it had flown in a replacement engine for the C-17?
EartOccupant, regardless of whether its civil or military, birds and small animals like rabbits (for which Avalon is renown) make short work of fan
blades, Inlet Guide Vanes(IGV'S) and compressors. The C-17 is powered by a version of a commercial P&W engine used on the 757 so its nothing special.
To cut a long story short, regardless of what it is, if you ingest a bird or small furry animal (ahh.. I remember those cold winter mornings at Avalon
watching the rabbits eating in the sheep paddock next to Hangar 6) you need to carry out inspections and possibly boro's if you think it went down the
core. So no flying that day at the very least.