posted on Feb, 27 2019 @ 02:25 PM
There is nothing to do or be,
Except the dream.
Everything that you seek
Or plan to attain
Are like bubbles in a stream:
Appearing suddenly
From the crash and jet
Of waves fury
Formed to maintain
The strongest shape
For the most space.
Tentatively floating
I am a soft sigh
Amidst violent beauty.
Yet alas, all too brief
I am popped- shattered
But no one shares my grief-
And no grave is mine.
I held but a few moments of time
And if you caught me
Floating along
I might have seemed
Composed, or put together
But what you see is
A silent, violent symphony.
The struggle between
Friction and entropy
Composed my life
As I struggle to keep
Myself intact, whole,