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Where do we go after Mars??

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
I believe we will be ready to send people to another solar system in 10 years.

I think breakthrough propulsion and tech is just around the corner. Humanity is due for another large leap in tech. It has been long already since anything truely breath taking has been discovered.

My guess is another solar system by 2030 at least a probe.

your being wayy to optimistic. No on ATS today will live to see the dawn of interstellar travel, Id bet money on it.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:46 AM
ok all i just want to say is this SPACE ELAVATOR RELAVENT TO TOPIC

it may or may not be related to sending people to mars but wouldint a space elavator fix all our problems that is being descussed on this forum i mean you could put a space elavator on every avaliable body like mars ect i think we should build that first!! before we do any sending of people to mars or any where!! as a space elavator pound for pound would be cheaper sending things into space like 100 instead of 10 000 per pound or us dollars per pound or kilogram just think about it
and we can build one in just 15 years max since carbon nano tubes are still being made in sufficent quantities to be made strong enough to be made into a ribbon strong enough to support its self under its own weight about 144 000 km high! japan has already invested 6 billion in making the world first space elavator in about 15 years and one person said the country who controlles the first space elavator would controll space for the next 100 years giving japan a huge advantage over NASA i regretably say no offence. i hope this contributes to the thread as it is a space structure tetherd to the ground which could send spacecraft and other things to other planets with no fual consumption
just think about the benifet it would solve everything because its cheap and in time reliable!! and it would open up so many other areas in reaserch and development. i know nasa has a plan for one of these in 2200 but isint that far too long since we almost have the materials to make one? all we need is a little support and things will change for the good in all aspects of life and of course there would be risks but wouldint it be worth it? and its not some far out technology as we see it now its doable and well within our reach and soon tech so if you do support this spread this around if you can if not then place your comment beneath i will reply to all as i know quiet a bit on space elavator and have lots of information on how they work i think the whole world should know about it its not sci fi just look at all the cities we have built would it be any harder than that which costs way more and its not sommthing like trying to make anti matter engines which costs 100 quadtrillions shuttle tech works just fine ones we get out of the gravity well around this planet since i cant write as much as i would like i would have to keep this post short as i may not write any this long unleass i go into technecal detail but the long term benifets out weight the biggest odds we face today just do a little reaserch and you will see what i mean so i also know about the space elavator games which is great but its not enough we need the entire world in this to actually achive this in atleast 15 years we dont have to build it in 15 years we could build it in 2030 when the materials are at its peak performance but if we want to badley want to get into space 15 years is the way to go we could colonise the moon mars and other bodies in 30 years max with a space elavtor up in 15 years but i belive japan will get there first i could just emagine japan controled space anyway thanks for reading and reply if you want my email is: [email protected] i plan to make a sight dedicated to space elavators and not use other sites

[edit on 13-5-2010 by spaceman1988]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:57 AM
i could type alot more on subject but i will leave it to people replying to know more

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