I live in Dallas Texas and in the Zip code 75093 there is a facility that only has one entrance, has no signs, has cameras, barbed wire fenceing and
an embankment to block a view. (it is surrounded by forest (the facility includes forest)) so how should i go about researching and finding out what
this facility is and what it does?
Search a sattelite imagery site (Terraserver is an okay one) and see what you can find from that. Secondly, if there are no signs telling you "No
tresspassing" etc, walk up to the Guard Shack if there is one and ask. Or write your local senator/congressmen and ask
even though you are a local, ask around. See what the local barber, war veteran, diner waitress has to say. It's amazing what kind of information
the person next door might have...just ask around!
Its around a residental neighborhood that was recently built (this place about 20 years ago would have been considered in the country[hickville])
Thanks for the tip though.
PtballDan, you could find out who ownes the land, a servayer would know. I know a site that has lots of picts of goverment sites, i hope its ok to
post here
maybe its on there.
I wonder how i would find a sat image of my apt.building
PtballDan, you could find out who ownes the land, a servayer would know. I know a site that has lots of picts of goverment sites, i hope its ok to
post here
maybe its on there.
I wonder how i would find a sat image of my apt.building