$150,000,000+ a year, plus the societal ramification laid out here, in a short-story.
There was a childhood friend (James) I grew up with, good family, never did anything truly bad, just mischievous things that only hurt himself, like
many young men do. From what I remember he did more good things, than bad. Until he made a silly mistake one day.
Fast-forward to around his 17th birthday where he was coerced, by a group of friends, and an undercover officer to purchase Marijuana, in a honey-pot
bust, where multiple dummies were arrested. James got 1 year in jail, and served 6 months for good behavior in a hell-hole, because he nor his parents
had the money to retain a high-profile attorney, so he end up with mediocre public legal representation; he had no priors either.
It’s well known that privatized prisons have been tainted by bribes, and people in trusted positions; they’ve sold out for kick-backs to keep our
privatize correctional system, at maximum capacity. It’s a big business, and a booming one, in the USA. The cost to house inmates can be
anywhere from $31,000.00 to $60,000.00, and that is if they are healthy, and not needing constant medical care.
Let’s do some math now.
Approximately 2.3 million people are incarcerated, in correctional institutions, and additional 4.5 million are on parole. So conservatively we
take 2.3 million times 45k equals around 105 billion dollars annually. Now the parolee’s 4.5 million times $30.00 a day times 365 days a year
equals another 50 billion, so total we’re looking at $155,000,000,000 billion a year industry.
"I hope they get a cell with Bubba", ever hear those ignorant comments?
Or "they’ll get what they deserve in jail"
Guess what? All that vileness, eventually ends up back on the streets, sooner than later, and many times worse than when they went in. The term
“Correctional facility” is far from correctional. The ignorance on societies part is, who pays for these situations financially, emotionally,
physically, and psychologically?
(James at 17) is now in prison with adult males, he’s being repeatedly raped by older men, and passed around like a sex-toy, no one ever hears his
screams, or when they do, they ignore them. It’s ok because James is in jail and deserves to be raped, and we all know how jail is, so no worries
it happens.
25 years later James is still struggling with all kinds of mental issues, been through a couple of marriages and has 5 children, but has managed not
to end up in jail again. He was sobbing as he told me jail ruined him. He has tried to pick himself up many times, but has always ended up falling
James has attempted to take his life multiple times……………..guess who gets to pay for all this? At taxpayer expense he is on Medicaid to the
tune of $45k each time……………3 attempts………..equals 135k, plus all the public assistance that he, and his fragmented families get,
because of a failed protocol.
James isn’t the center of the story, but rather the implications of the for profit “Rape Culture” we are spawning in so called correctional
institutions, that are failures on almost every level.
What is the cost to allow rape in jails at any level?
Are we teaching/allowing that rape is OK, in a correctional facility, however when inmates are released do we think the majority of them can separate
this out?
edit on 21-2-2019 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)