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This months Newham mag has gays and drag queens teaching little boys and girls

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posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

originally posted by: [post=24206436]InTheLight

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders notes that children begin to experiment with gendered behaviors and interest, such as dressing up in certain ways, between the ages of two and four. This is true as well, according to the manual, for children experimenting with cross-gendered behaviors.

Children do not know what 'cross-gendered behaviour' means ffs. They don't need to know at that age.

What is it you don't get?

Exactly my point - children don't know at that age and are not being taught anything - they are being shown diversity and hopefully taught to respect people's differences by the real teachers in their lives, their parents.

what is it you don't get?

They don't need to know. How many more times must we tell you?

(post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

originally posted by: [post=24206436]InTheLight

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders notes that children begin to experiment with gendered behaviors and interest, such as dressing up in certain ways, between the ages of two and four. This is true as well, according to the manual, for children experimenting with cross-gendered behaviors.

Children do not know what 'cross-gendered behaviour' means ffs. They don't need to know at that age.

What is it you don't get?

Exactly my point - children don't know at that age and are not being taught anything - they are being shown diversity and hopefully taught to respect people's differences by the real teachers in their lives, their parents.

what is it you don't get?

They don't need to know. How many more times must we tell you?

That's not for you to say, it's the parents call (repeated too many times).

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 03:20 PM


(post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

You are over-reaching here.

Am I really ? There was a time in previous decades where the thought of drag queens reading books about being gay to young children would have been considered overreach as well. My my, look how far we’ve come since those days.
Who’s to say what’s next for the young impressional minds of our children. If what is going on today is any indication of what the future holds, nothing can be considered an over reach.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Rokal
Fragile Masculinity? Just a statement with more than likely controlled outcomes in research. Messing with children is a dangerous precedent. Kids are far more impressionable than adults. Look at how the Marxists have re-education camps. Anyone can be changed especially children when they perceive what they are shown and told as to be normal. I know gay people who would be shocked at this. This is an extreme group trying to influence children. Should be not only stopped but prosecuted to the fullest.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

Exactly my point - children don't know at that age and are not being taught anything - they are being shown diversity and hopefully taught to respect people's differences by the real teachers in their lives, their parents.

what is it you don't get?

Children are not "being shown diversity." They are being brainwashed with sex classes that even show kindergarten children about gay sex, and sex in general... Children should just be left alone to grow up as children. The world isn't just about sex, and children should be allowed to learn about other things, and grow up as children first and foremost.

They shouldn't be even taught about heterosexual sex at such a young age. Let children grow up as children... When the time comes, and when the parents decide it, as young teenagers then they can then be taught about sex, but without going into the "details" that are being taught even on young children today about sodomizing themselves, or anything like that.

Since Obama put in charge Kevin Jennings as education Czar, things have gone even more haywire than before on "educating children about sex..." It should have been obvious from the start what Jennings actually is when he said:

“One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights group in America,”

Harry Hay was not only homosexual, but he also campaigned for the "rights of pedophiles" and was a member of NAMBLA...

By Obama puting such a man in charge of the education of children, it seems they were trying to brainwash children into accepting pedophilia and becoming willing sexual slaves...

Here is part of what Hay had to say about this topic...

If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.

Hay, and other "pedophiles," including Jennings, seem to want to make it legal for adults to have sex with young children... These sort of people are simply despicable, and the fact that Jennings was allowed to brainwash children should have made an uproar by all parents, including gay parents, who should have demanded, and should be demanding for this to stop.

edit on 21-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

By Obama puting such a man in charge of the education of children it seems they were trying to brainwash children into accepting pedophilia and becoming willing sexual slaves...

Bingo !

I said it about a decade ago that ‘they’ were trying to normalize paedophilia, and people scoffed at me.

With children having the choice on their gender , the next step is children having the choice in participating in sex with each other or adults. It will be pushed as perfectly natural and those against it will be viewed as prudish and unloving towards children.

It’s scary to think what the future holds.

On a side note.. thank you for being a part of ATS. I love ALL your posts and you are definitely a favourite member of mine.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: Sheye

Bingo !

I said it about a decade ago that ‘they’ were trying to normalize paedophilia, and people scoffed at me.

Many people see what all this is truly about, but apparently our voices are not enough to stop this. I really don't care if adults are gay, or lesbian. Adults should be able to decide how they want to live. But what I am against is this pushing by the "progressives" to normalize this sort of behavior, and normalize the brainwashing of young children.

Harry Hay, a pedophile, was the founder and main proponent of gay rights, but was more than that. He also wanted to normalize the pedophile relationship between adults and young teenagers... Why didn't the gay community oust Hay when they learned about him being a member of NAMBLA and wanting to normalize sex between adults and minors? Even today he is seen as an idol by most of the LGBT community... Why?...

I do agree with you that the next step by the perverts will be to introduce bills that will allow minors to choose on having sex with adults... The world is upside down, and the moral compass of many people seems to be lost.

BTW, thanks for the kind words. I also enjoy your threads, and posts. It's good to find that there are people of like mind, and more so since the world is all upside down.

edit on 21-2-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Rokal

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: LordAhriman

What do you not get about children being impressionable? They are too young for this. Why can't we let children just be children rather than little adults.

This is Newham Council of course, home of the loony left.

Bus shelters for disabled LGBT Whales and so on.

So impressionable that they turn gay? LMAO You guys are such idiots, let them see that they are people. You cannot change a persons sexuality by just being around them, you sexuality is hard wired into your DNA

Proof ?

No, you have none, none really at much more goes on...but Drag Queens and acting Ultra Gay as some do is most DEFINITELY evidence of some other issues..errrmm entities in play.

I know plenty of gays who say they were NOT gay before an encounter with "something" and we grow tired of being told how things are wired by doctors who know NOTHING ABOUT IT.

Almost all the LGBT community talks about is hype..and you have fallen for it.

I think a big confrontation is about to happen, we will call out ALL the demons and then see just who these DRAG QUEENS ARE.

(post by ParasuvO removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by ParasuvO removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 09:40 PM


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posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
I still can't believe people are falling for this agenda!


To me this isn't about 'tolerance' like they say, they are trying to tell children that it's normal behaviour, manipulating little children into being like them.


Indeed this has a rotten stench. Everyone's so obsessed with the fact that a kid can't possibly know it's "orientation", so better get some gender reassignment going as soon as possible! Or rather, I suspect that it's boys that need the most therapy, especially if they are white. Because we can't have as many white adult males running around the place as we've used to in the past. We need to replace them with drag queens and suicidal "in-betweeners".

Because women good. Men bad. And there's 50-something genders between man and woman by the sound of it.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse


Never even heard of this guy or what's been going on.

Thanks for bringing it to the attention of people here but of course that community of LGBTQ people will deny it.

How comes they are still bein allowed to do this then? That;s the question.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
a reply to: ElectricUniverse


Never even heard of this guy or what's been going on.

Thanks for bringing it to the attention of people here but of course that community of LGBTQ people will deny it.

How comes they are still bein allowed to do this then? That;s the question.

Talk about veering off topic from drag queens reading benign non-sexual stories about diversity to children in public places - with their parents approval to painting LBGTQ as evil.

I deny the generalizations thrown about here and I am not LBGTQ. Do most of you live in the Bible belt?

Here are what the experts have to say, but what do they know, right?

Most parents, medical organizations, and educational organizations support the teaching of LGBT-inclusive, comprehensive sex education in schools. National surveys reveal that 93 percent of parents of junior high school students and 91 percent of parents of high school students believe it is important to teach sex education in schools, and that 80 percent of parents of junior high school students and 73 percent of parents of high school students believe sexual orientation is an appropriate topic for inclusion. Parental support for comprehensive sex education cuts across political and religious lines.

Prof Brown told the BBC: "Culture can support, or not, a child's gender identity but it can't create it. "To be clear, you can't make kids gay or transgender. Think of it this way - the vast majority of LGBTQ people saw predominantly cisgender and straight role models growing up. "The frequency with which traditional gender stereotypes are reinforced - every time a child uses a gendered bathroom or is called a good boy or girl - far outnumber the instances that gender is questioned, for example being read to by a drag queen."

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

If you think children can be conditioned to be attracted and turned on by the same sex, that is an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence. Nazism is an ideology and Christianity is a religion. Children can be trained to alter their view of the world through either or both one of them. That is psychological aspect. Orientation, on the other hand, is biological and is locked. Why do you think that gay conversion therapy never worked on gay children?

Extraordinary claims that it is biological and locked...i bet the percentage of that being true is far lower than you think.

Why is it you believe so ?

No real evidence has ever been presented as fact quite the opposite..we can clearly see evidence of manipulations far over the heads of all of us.

Funny how you believe science has figured that all out and yet cannot barely tell how the body REALLY WORKS..much less the brain.

edit on 22-2-2019 by ParasuvO because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 04:24 PM
Funny how people keep claiming science has proven a genetic link, when in fact none of the studies have shown any such thing. There have been some vague assertions that the media has run with (that is called an agenda for those wondering why).

If you don't believe me and are adamant that you have read such a thing, take a look at ANY of the studies cited when you google and READ what they actually conclude instead of the media's interpretation. This leaves a whole bunch of environmental-cultural-nurture etc. influence that is still the only thing left.

The most recent and largest to date by a group that has tried repeatedly to find a link.

They claim at best that:

Collectively, the DNA differences explained only 8 to 12 percent of the heritability of having same-sex partners. “There is no gay gene,” ...
“Same-sex sexuality appears to be genetically influenced, but not genetically determined,”

i.e. it is a choice, or at the very least, determined by thing other than genetics.

That one alone claims at best 8-12% genetic influence. That leaves 90% of the factors are not genetic.

This is one of those things like people in pretending that AIDS isn't a primarily homosexual problem. I've even heard people say stuff like ," Come on get with the times...that's just a myth". The CDC says that 67% of the cases are gay and bisexual men. Considering the staggering difference in population between gay and straight even by generous estimates, this is wildly disproportionate.

While CDC estimates that four percent of men in the United States are MSM, , the rate of new HIV diagnoses among them is more than44 times that of other men

That alone is a reason to be concerned about your child being influenced "gay"

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Halfswede

The gay gene is easily disapproved. It has been shown by twin studies alone that there is no rock-solid genetic link. Sure there may be some nebulous genetic factors that might predispose you to it that same way some genes may predispose you to some cancers which is to say a small percentage chance boost that doesn't mean much of anything in the end. Not like the known factors for sickle cell or cystic fibrosis are for example.

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