I found this really amazing song. Very trippy. Very haunting. Sensual british female singing. The amazing thing about this song is how many videos
there are for it:
This one is really strange:
And there's lots more...
edit on 13-2-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)
Obscure/esoteric stuff i.e. this band, sunfish, a particular type of rare car/food/book/idea etc that I 'think' of then somehow appearing in my life
during the next few days happens so often I accept it as 'normal'
Have you just discovered these guys? I'm envious! They were brilliant back in the 90s and I saw them live in Leeds, Bristol and Glastonbury. If you
haven't already, give Portishead a try and Maxinquaye by Tricky. They all came out of the Bristol area, England and bossed the music scene for 2-3
years. Good music to unwind to.
I remember getting Maxinquaye back when I was 10 or so from those "BMG get 10 free cd's" clubs. My mind was blown. Man, those were the days. And
yes, to Portishead. The live stuff is awesome. Got that in the rotation on pandora.