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Philippines vows to crush 'terrorists' after church bombs kill 20

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posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 11:51 PM
This is a sad story of terror. Go to church and lose your life. The article says 20 were killed out right and 81 were wounded as there were two bombs. One inside the church and one that was detonated as those trying to help and do rescue for those inside the church was set off for maximum effect and death. No word on how serious the 81 wounded are.

"They want to show force and sow chaos," national police chief Oscar Albayalde told DZMM radio, suggesting Abu Sayyaf was the prime suspect.

Jolo is a stronghold of the group, which runs a lucrative piracy and kidnapping operation that successive governments have failed to break up. The group, which operates in the waters and islands of western Mindanao, has beheaded numerous foreign captives when ransom demands were not met.

The group is linked to ISIS

The Philippine military in mid-2017 encountered its biggest and longest battle since World War Two when an alliance of extremists loyal to Islamic State, among them foreigners and children, overran Marawi City and tried to establish a caliphate.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 12:05 AM
They have been having a problem with the terrorists for a while now, they need to hire some hitmen to take them out. Terrorists do not follow laws or the rules of war, how come we have to follow those laws when dealing with this type of person?

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 12:32 AM
They're going to get them this time guys, just you wait and see. They'll go in house-to-house and solve the problem on that island once and for all 🤭

It's.. an island.. how hard could it be to defeat an insurgency? There's nowhere to flee, there's no major routes of supply, no new sources of fighters.

Sure, I wouldn't want to be one of the Phillipines soldiers but they are about their business, right? This is their homeland, their country we're talking about. Would Americans let an entire state become insurgent with gunmen, suicide bombers, kidnappings, executions? If they did because they weren't equipped to stop the rise of it but are now, would they let that state continue to be insurgent for decades?

They have the support of the western world, us especially, when they accept any of it. Yes, they have a flamer for a president but even when they had a young woman, Arroyo, it was the same pace. The only guy that can solve the problem for them is Pacquiao.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

That is a sad story and good to see that the goverment will fight back.

They can always flee to the UK. We won't check your documents or back ground. Hey we will even say you are 5 years younger than you are. We will house them and ensure tax payers give them money for food and garms. We will even censor their names when they commit a crime on the news. And if that aint good enough then feel free to bring your family along wirh you . Coz one thing is for certain. The UK is terrible for fighting back incase we hurt somones feelings.. We don't want that now do we.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

It's hard to know exactly what's going on here. Although the president is supposed to have overwhelming support for his war on drugs, he has been at increasing odds with the church over human rights violations. I recall that a couple of months ago, he called for the right wing forces to shoot a few priests . I don't have a ready source at my fingertips.

They are having an ongoing war with Islamic terrorists from the south. It was probably terrorists but could also be a false flag to drum up support for more military action.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 05:46 AM
one thing most people have either forgotten, may not be aware of. the timing of this bombing proves that nothing will stop these muslim terrorists until one of two things happen. either they take over the world, as is their aim, subjugating everyone else to their religion of hate and violence. in the end wiping out every other religion and even non religion. or they are wiped out. this bombing for those who do not know, has happened after a vote passed to give this very same area muslim rule. which is the very thing they have been supposedly fighting to obtain for hundreds of years now. and as we can see even that is not enough for them.

what other than wiping the terrorist out will have any real effect on them. without subjugating ourselves to them and their religion? and even if we were to wipe out every single muslim terrorist how to stop even more from becoming terrorists in the name of a religion that was founded by terrorism by their revered prophet Mohamad himself?

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: r0xor
They're going to get them this time guys, just you wait and see. They'll go in house-to-house and solve the problem on that island once and for all 🤭

It's.. an island.. how hard could it be to defeat an insurgency? There's nowhere to flee, there's no major routes of supply, no new sources of fighters.

Sure, I wouldn't want to be one of the Phillipines soldiers but they are about their business, right? This is their homeland, their country we're talking about. Would Americans let an entire state become insurgent with gunmen, suicide bombers, kidnappings, executions? If they did because they weren't equipped to stop the rise of it but are now, would they let that state continue to be insurgent for decades?

when you say island it sounds rather small and easily dealt with. but it is a big island being 97,530 km² of area. with a population of over 25 MILLION people. and being an island actually make fighting the insurgency even harder since they have support from not only close, smaller islands, but from at least one close country (which ammusingly these terrorists tried to invade and take over a few years back). those allies can more easily use the water to supply and add or remove insurgents than if it was a landlocked place. you might even recall that just last year there was a war started when they tried to arrest one person, that took months to fight out, with the city pretty much destroyed by the use of bombers and artillary. and yet they still did not get everyone.

and while it is the soldier's home country and they know their business. it is also the terrorist's home country and home area. and they also know their business. remember the terrorists, and their parents, and their parents, (repeat for a few hundred years) have been doing this. in fact most of these terrorists have grown up since childhood to be terrorists. and it's not about letting the insurgency last for anything like decades, it has been going on for centuries already. in fact the Spanish could not stop it, the US could not stop it, the Japanese could not stop it,, and since independace the Philippines has not been able to stop it. and to use your example of the US. it's not like letting a state be insurgent for decades. it would much more be like if the Indian wars were still going on to this day.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 08:59 AM
Terrible act of terrorism. Yet, I rarely see anyone condemning the u.s. using drones to wipe out weddings, prayer sessions, wounded gathering, ect...

We just end up fighting terrorism by being our own version of terrorists..

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Don't think Duterte will have compassion for those sob's, currently he 'eliminates' drug dealer & criminals

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: r0xor

It's not just an island, it's 7,000+ islands.

"The Philippines is a Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific, comprising more than 7,000 islands. "

7,641 islands to be exact, of which only about 2,000 are inhabited. Giving insurgents about 5,000 unnamed islands to evade forces on.

It's like whack a mole but times 1,000...

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: manuelram16
a reply to: rickymouse

Don't think Duterte will have compassion for those sob's, currently he 'eliminates' drug dealer & criminals

Yup, and anyone else who gets dragged into it..including non drug dealers and non criminals.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: manuelram16
a reply to: rickymouse

Don't think Duterte will have compassion for those sob's, currently he 'eliminates' drug dealer & criminals

Yup, and anyone else who gets dragged into it..including non drug dealers and non criminals.

yup it's made for a great excuse to get rid of people you don't like, especially political adversaries. been a couple wild years of murders and what would appear to be an awful lot of planted drugs and guns. and "shootouts" where suspected criminals die in a hail of bullets and no officer ever seems to get shot or injured. and criminals with more guns than even bullets, or guns with the wrong bullets.

posted on Feb, 2 2019 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: 727Sky
Looks like the military has tried to root out Abu Sayyaf on the Island of Mindanao.. The terrorist/separatist were engaged by the Philippine military in a two hour fire fight with less than spectacular results IMO. 3 bad guys killed with 5 troops also dead. Supposedly another 15 bad guys were wounded along with 5 more soldiers.

The clash with more than 100 members of the Abu Sayyaf group broke out in the town of Patikul in the Sulu province at 11:30 a.m. as troops pursued those behind a church attack on Sunday, Colonel Gerry Besana, spokesman for the military's Western Mindanao Command said.

The church bombing in Sulu, which killed 22 people and wounded more than 100 including civilians and soldiers, was a suicide attack carried out by an Indonesian couple, with help of the Abu Sayyaf group, Interior Minister Eduardo Año said on Friday.

posted on Feb, 2 2019 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: generik

It's a bit of the wild west going on there. Interestingly though, he has the support of the populace. I was talking to a good friend today with family still there. He said you can walk around without fear, his parents do not like the way he is going about it..but in the end they feel it is safer, at least where they live.


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