posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 01:43 AM
Perhaps the perception can at times be the truth. This is what you speak of I assume. We often see these two divorced from one another, however it
is when both the perception and the truth align with one another that we see beauty. The Zero that you speak of is this beauty, it holds no
calculable value, however it is. The search for Zero is what sets apart the beast from the sentient. To behold it however can be seen as insanity,
as those that can perceive, but not behold can not understand it. They stumble over their own feet in search for it, but it is not elsewhere, it is
always there. Searching high and low will do no good, but in the search fragments of the puzzle may still be found. Logic, reason, and method are
all perversions to what Zero is. It exists on it's own, yet is imperceptible in our lives until we halt the search and realize that it is there at
all times.