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Blizzard is going to bring back Classic WoW.

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posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 02:48 AM
raiding is a no lifers game that's for sure ... I do pvp less time invested

blizzard double dipping in there own game yea bet that will turn out bad

1st I bet they'll put arena in than try to balance vanilla pvp for 2vs2 and in the process make raiders to weak to raid than they'll buff pve and pvpers will ... well if anyone played wow from vanilla you know this cycle

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Akragon

Oh yeah not a fan of that # at all.

12 hr wait, in a game, to play the game.

yeah man... Not Cool at all

I'd literally spend 24 hours playing wow on my days off... I did a 36 hour run one night, but I was doing some bad stuff to keep me awake

i've been a vidiot since i was like 4 years old, but im gonna be 40 in a few days... I just don't have it in me anymore...

Luckily my new thing... VR, you can only do that for short periods of time

in any case im sure i'll be playing games til the day i die lol

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: chadderson

I guess we can only hope they branch off and make some new studios idk.

Sucks that the days of "Gameplay first" are long gone.

yeah these days its all about reskinning a product and doing the least amount of work possible while throwing egregious sums of money at the marketing dept. imagine if EA just spent half of what they spend on marketing and put the rest towards dev. maybe cod wouldnt suck so bad

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: markovian

Yeah I've always been drawn more towards pvp, think I played on Bleeding Hollow pvp at launch idk been so long.

Personally I think they'll tweak a lot of and drive players back to private servers over time.

and to be brutally honest, I think its a sign of dying MMO when they do classic or progression servers because they know the content they are release now is pretty much crap.

So they bust out the member berries

mmmm, nostalgia.

I mean hell I am over here waiting desperately for Mechwarrior 5, its been uh.... ONLY 19 YEARS

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: Akragon


Happy Early B-day

damn 36 hrs.

Look I had a south korean friend in EQ and he tried to get me to set alarms to wake up and play lol I was like I aint waking up for nobody, but I did lol.

It was like going into a job with this guy.

And I feel the same way as long as they make a decent game I'm going pwn the noobs :p

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

haha i went through the same thing when playing darkfall. stupid people would try to setup sieges on the player owned towns at the most f'd up times to try and catch people at their weakest. to many times i had to get up at 2-5am to defend assets. i always loved open pvp and full loot games but that game turned me into a nervous exhausted wreck

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 03:27 AM
God I couldn’t do it I’d die.

Also played way to much rust.

Happy I don’t play either anymore....

Still play Old School Runescape however.....

a reply to: Lysergic

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
Blizzard bringing back Classic is old news.

Simply comes down to supply and demand. Plenty of people want Classic WoW.

Not a fan of any WOW personally.

No Diablo 4? soooo? Play something else. Not like there is a shortage of games out there.


Gamers have certainly become an entitled bunch.

But yeah seriously, gaming is probably the entertainment medium with more choice than any other right now.
You want Diablo 4? It probably already exists, but under a diffrent name, by a different company.
Go looking.

Yes, I'm so entitled to want quality games for my money. I hope they keep pushing more low effort low quality games with more and more microtransactions, they might as well while they have plenty of people like you making excuses for them.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Tekner

the part that saddens me is that i dont believe experienced gamers/us old guys can have any impact on this market. the moneys with parents who give in to end the torment from their kids who dont know any better. as they age and start to learn a new generation is born to take their place and the cycle repeats. its too bad the whole crowd funding explosion went the direction it went. we got some gems but the whole system has ultimately been destroyed by a mountain of bad games and outright scams. i hope im completely wrong.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Blizzard can go f# themselves.
I will never play a game by them again.
I’ll stick with SEGA for my 4X experience.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Tekner

Who said anything about quality and money?

Not me.

personally I am not concerned about the money I spend on games that do not even exist.

Good ol' ATS. Never fails to amuse.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

You're smart enough to know this is a stunt.

I've never played wow, but I am a gamer, it was just never. Y cup of tea.

Corporations have no business in art. Anytime they touch it, it becomes bastardized.

It's not their fault though, it's the fault of consumers being so susceptible to something just because it carries a familiar look.

We vote in many ways people don't realize, and in capitalism it's with out dollar. Consumers forget we can dictate outcome. Nastalgia is a bitch.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Give me Cyberpunk 2077-I don't care about the fossil that is WoW.

I hate the shift towards these pay to win regimes-Back in the day you bought the game and earned the unlockables, now you need season passes, internet connectivity, an account-just to press the f'in start button!

I miss couch co-op, and as for WoW I only have to words-LEEEEEEEEEROOOY JENNNNNNNKINNNS!

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

you forgot the companion app and the social media sites u need to join plus the random tiers u buy into for other random sparklies
edit on 20-1-2019 by TheScale because: brain fart

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

I've seen a few of these on youtube, I just cannot understand that game lol.

saw one where this brat kid was on a pvp server, and was being hassled by someone, and he wen't and got his mother, who came on the mic and told the guy off, till he explained what pvp is about and it's her kids fault... she told her kid off, and you should have heard the swearing at her he unleashed.

This game is hell scary... I want it.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: TheScale

Yeah-The elder scrolls IV comes to mind-who in their right mind would pay for horse armor? It's stupid-let's go back to the days when you earned the bonuses, now you can buy that overwatch suit that shows some underboob? c'mon kids have you never googled cosplay?

It's getting beyond ridiculous, it's probably why EA killed the latest Star Wars game because they couldn't find a way to charge gamers 10 bucks to buy an extra save slot-oh wait-that's been done before. Maybe they can charge 15 bucks to access the inventory.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 08:32 AM
I loved blizzard's DDO franchise. I lost 2 years to that game and wouldn't have it any other way. Losing hours upon hours in pick up groups navigating dungeons for the ultimate electronic prize. Teaming up with guild members for nightly runs. Eagerly awaiting the next release and taking days off from work to give in to the ecstasy of completely forgetting reality.

Kind of miss those days but I am also glad that blizzard sucks and let the game rot. Freedom sweet enforced freedom.

I just don't understand why a top notch new game releases haven't been made yet. It could even across span PC and console with massive servers so populations would never need to be balanced across different servers. It is like they don't even understand what made those games great. I would give in again if the next greatest mmorpg was released similar to wow or ddo.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Everquest does similar things, they make servers that start out as original game. Some progress thru later expansions . Some vote to unlock newer content, some are opened as progress is made, some are time locked. I play on a regular server have access to everything.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

No one spends 12 hours trying to find a raid in everquest. Way back in the day newbs would wait hours looking for a group. People spent days at a camp waiting for 1 item to drop. But those days are long gone.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Akragon

Wow, you must have been in a crap guild waiting for a raid to start. I have been in a top raid guild for 17 years. Everyone always shows up at the times we set if not you wont be in the guild long.

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