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The Cost of Illegal Immigration

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posted on Jan, 18 2019 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Edumakated

When you figure public schools can cost like $15k/yr to educate a kid, that is almost $15 BILLION! The entire CA school system from general funds is around $46 BILLION.

Yep, and the oldest sancuary city in California, Los Angeles, the teachers are on strike. One of the demands? Smaller classroom size.
Try to wrap your brain around that one! Virtue signal for open borders, then complain you have too many students to teach. Other than the teachers who keep their politics out of the classroom and realize the folly of open borders, I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.

Then imagine the pensions when that bubble pops.

But Liberals and their supporters will never learn till its either to late or eventually hits them in their neighborhoods endless open borders never works.

posted on Jan, 18 2019 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: AtlasHawk

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Edumakated

When you figure public schools can cost like $15k/yr to educate a kid, that is almost $15 BILLION! The entire CA school system from general funds is around $46 BILLION.

Yep, and the oldest sancuary city in California, Los Angeles, the teachers are on strike. One of the demands? Smaller classroom size.
Try to wrap your brain around that one! Virtue signal for open borders, then complain you have too many students to teach. Other than the teachers who keep their politics out of the classroom and realize the folly of open borders, I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.

Then imagine the pensions when that bubble pops.

But Liberals and their supporters will never learn till its either to late or eventually hits them in their neighborhoods endless open borders never works.

Open border never work because your government does not adjust and procure properly. Old way thinking is causing bottle necks.

posted on Jan, 18 2019 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Edumakated

When you figure public schools can cost like $15k/yr to educate a kid, that is almost $15 BILLION! The entire CA school system from general funds is around $46 BILLION.

Yep, and the oldest sancuary city in California, Los Angeles, the teachers are on strike. One of the demands? Smaller classroom size.
Try to wrap your brain around that one! Virtue signal for open borders, then complain you have too many students to teach. Other than the teachers who keep their politics out of the classroom and realize the folly of open borders, I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.

Then imagine the pensions when that bubble pops.

EXACTLY! I keep trying to make sense of this sh*t.... Liberals constantly have positions that are totally at odds and it makes no sense.

You want higher wages, but then keep importing cheap labor!

Our elected leaders profit from this mess, the cost is deflected to the tax payers because the leadership is crooked, you want things to change stop electing greedy criminals to positions of power.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
$113 Billion per year in direct costs to State and Federal governments, the states bearing 2/3 of the cost. You can't find any studies claiming a net economic benefit. They do pay tens of billions in taxes each year but that was subtracted from the cost in the figure above which reaches $160 billion before taxes are deducted.

63% of illegal household access welfare programs -

These figures do not include cost of depreciation to infrastructure, increased rental and housing prices for everyone, reduced wages for all or the costs of crime on businesses and persons affected. The cost of these people cumulatively likely adds up to over a Trillion dollars in total. Sure our overseas military misadventures have cost more but why do we have to pay for either? Because debt is money and control for the banking elites and they will continue to force us to spend more than we take in every single year. This is why they will fight Trump tooth and nail to keep the border open.

The studies I read about this state that the calculations are too complex to get a true amount, because of too many variables.

11. United States • GNI per capita: $60,200 • 2017 GDP: $19,390.60 billion (2nd out of 185 countries) • Population (2017): 325.89 million • Life expectancy at birth in 2016: 78.7 years

No the numbers aren't too complex to calculate. There may be some factors that aren't 100% accurate, but we can get a very close estimation of what they should be. If you think these numbers are too complex, you must REALLY be against climate change/global warming b/c those numbers have THOUSANDS or more variables, most of which have almost no historical data unlike immigration numbers which have been very well studied.

The only people who would tout "we can't trust these numbers" is someone who wants to dismiss the astronomical cost of immigration because they benefit from it in some way.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

This follows my frustration with the current administration's focus on 'border security.' Make legal immigration easier and illegal immigration will go down. People are on waiting lists for 18 years to come into this country legally. Spouses are paying upwards of $20,000 to become citizens and waiting 5-10 years. It's ridiculous how hard we make it to do things the right way.

Make them citizens, make them taxpayers and do it quickly and efficiently. Let people live the American dream.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: Edumakated

This follows my frustration with the current administration's focus on 'border security.' Make legal immigration easier and illegal immigration will go down. People are on waiting lists for 18 years to come into this country legally. Spouses are paying upwards of $20,000 to become citizens and waiting 5-10 years. It's ridiculous how hard we make it to do things the right way.

Make them citizens, make them taxpayers and do it quickly and efficiently. Let people live the American dream.

I don't disagree that the current legal immigration process is way to bureaucratic. However, the reality is that we will continue to have illegal immigration because the number of immigrants who want to come to the US far exceeds our ability to take them all.

Here is a great video talking about LEGAL IMMIGRATION and how it is already straining our country.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: links234

I hate to use this analogy, but it is apt.

The US is like an animal sanctuary or animal rescue. When you start out, your goal is noble. You see so many animals, pets, great animals that deserve a chance, but won't get it, and your heart aches for them, so you start taking them in and trying to place them.

The reality is that you only have the capacity to house so many at a time before your own ability to realistically care for them breaks down.

It's when the latter happens that your good intentions come to naught and you become the animal hoarder because your wonderful sanctuary/rescue becomes the very hell you were trying to save them from.

When you look at taking in poor, barely educated people from other countries, this is the situation you are setting up. Reality is that they will need to be cared for and supported because they have neither the resources nor the skills to be self-supporting in the US. We know from accounts that some don't even know how to use indoor plumbing. They need significant work before they will reach that level and all the while, you will have to support them on the backs of your own citizenry.

You only have so many resources and some of those support your own citizens already who can't/won't support themselves for various reasons.

How many resources do you think this country has to support people who cannot support themselves, and why are people from other countries more deserving than US citizens?

Now I'm not saying that we don't have room for or cannot take in some of the very poorest, but you do have to have real limits on it. And you have to be aware that some are more needy than others. Some are very much persecuted by their governments (no, the Hondurans and Guatemalans are not), having a craptastic government is not the same as being persecuted by it.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

'Our ability to take them in.'

This seems to presume that immigrants only take and don't provide, even your video suggests that same premise. I reject that argument on the basis that immigrants do contribute, in significant ways, to our society and make any scenario more sustainable for themselves and us.

We all want good and prosperous lives to live and, I believe, legal or not, that we would all work towards that future for ourselves.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: Edumakated

'Our ability to take them in.'

This seems to presume that immigrants only take and don't provide, even your video suggests that same premise. I reject that argument on the basis that immigrants do contribute, in significant ways, to our society and make any scenario more sustainable for themselves and us.

We all want good and prosperous lives to live and, I believe, legal or not, that we would all work towards that future for ourselves.

Laudable goal and very altruistic! begs question why not effect change in their own countries rather than piggyback off hard work of preceding generations here. Not to mention irrevocably changing social, political and economic fabric of this nation - seems that's what many desire as some form of mass national suicide pact.

I have no trouble using the "help those who are willing to help themselves" method of improving other nationalities WITHIN their own borders. That would include anti-corruption, political, education, health and basic living standards.

Right now roadblock is taxpayer aid without stiff strings going into very corrupt endeavors by crooked politicians in those nations - stop that and standards would rise in measurable way rather quickly.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: links234

Drawing a direct assumption by lumping all 'immigrants' as a whole, blanketing with an 'as if' personal belief, does not separate the legal immigrants from the obvious illegal immigrants period; illegal immigrants are the topic of this thread.

I live in a border State and seen and see first-hand the stressors in the communities, municipalities, counties and the State.

Over capacity schools, emergency rooms used as primary care, labor and delivery hospital care packed, crime and investigation, pilfering of social welfare using anchor babies by extended illegal families which leads directly more to chain migrations, abuse of food pantries, rampant uninsured motorists, human trafficking, drugs and gangs, deportations for crimes and return over and over...

This small list can be expanded easily...just as easily as illegal immigrants walk away from all of the above costs, under no identity to assume another non-identity...

Illegal immigration costs, starting at the cost of maintaing the border.


posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: links234

And your reply seems to suggest that you lump all immigrants in together.

The ones who make it through the legal process are often smart enough and bright enough and determined enough to become self-supporting. Not always, but often. That process takes a lot of time, money, and determination that they have had to put together on their own initiative under difficult circumstances.

The ones who walk here and cross the border illegally ... they aren't the same. The ones you see living in shanties? They are not the same.

They will have to be supported and educated to ever have a chance of being self-supporting. They may never get their themselves, only their children. That's the reality.

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