posted on Jan, 18 2019 @ 11:17 PM
She's the rock bottom of what woman can be; however many do not see that there are two under's to that rock aside from the eyes; and plop she is right
back on top of the mountain.
That's just how enlightened consciousness that is free from all bondage moves... the name is not her; unless she wants to present herself directly to
someone as that. Like Beetle Juice(dead character in a movie) reveals what he looks like to the other two dead people... that still have their
humanity or human like forms as they remember themselves; not the bloody bloated mess they would be after driving off of a bridge that those living
saw them as, with his back to the audience or 4th wall/dimension... many forget the 5th and 6th which is the floor and ceiling and also that they are
the seventh as in a mesmerized state; like a sponge absorbing and dripping here and there until the credits roll.
Thats just what inexhaustible is... same way with "paranormal" etc those looking for it are the one';s that go into hiding as "paranormal" themselves
and when not looking for it; trip into the realm or step into the shadow hidden just the same even though they think they are in the light.
So much like a moth with light in it's eyes beats itself to death trying to fly into it's own eyes or inner light reflection. Like flipping on a
light; is just as blinding as suddenly flipping it off. The middle way is adjustment to both as they as extremes are a possibility where neither of
either are or can become cause for suffering... as in knowing. Once known yes it can become unknown when the 7th sense of the mind is muddled by
thought or simply dust covering a sense while another is echoing.
Anyways, it is sort of funny what people take from or mistake for reality; as you own never changes... and yet it does, as knowledge always grows when
beyond what is really needed, so if not in oeself? It is growing in another... that's the not self or dreamer and dreamed which means both are
impermanent in that moment or coinciding and happen to come to a tangent and then curve back around whatever cyclic nature of body, speech, or mind
sphere they may happen to claim or know.
A moth was created, perhaps it did not know it was a moth and in knowing in an instant; exchange of self and other take place, anbd now I am the
moth... of course wise enough to not beat my wings to on party or the other and remain independent of both eye and flame and settle in for rest.
Of course kamma when not free reaps in all sorts of manners.. like Kali in the depiction of having a sickle or a knife... coming to give you a
reflection. Take the reaping or give the reaping? Most run away in an instant when losing oneself... lost in speech? The tongue grows to a long red
carpet that leads her right to your "I" or throne room.
Body being body and like the state? Well what does one claim as a body? Immeasurable, did Socrates die of the Hemlock or the Hemlock die of Socrates?
Such a thing cannot be known; especially by an entire court claiming he knew something... they must have missed the echoes of their footsteps in so
much open air and open temples that they forgot what their steps were saying... the same with that term called rhetoric, rhetoric is like the moth, it
can mimic and camouflage itself when not "aflame" and actually get some rest or peace.
So hey an ode to all such enlightened beings; beyond the reach of duality; however breaking the 7th dimension means one has already fallen down seven,
how do they expect to get back up to what does not even exist; other than reaching their own hand through to pull their own head right back out of
their very same ass it fell into. That is the toroidal or Tarus dimension.
Make a point and all revolves around it... leave the point out? It is just a circle and yet still a point and yet enough conspirators on the end of
the bush to all go and run away while someone else walks up and says; hey thanks for the geometry I needed something else to be around... some just
call that rise over run, once the roof beam has throughly been broken. Sampson blind hairless and chained did not know if a beam was even up there...
and yet; he pulled anyway.